Nuhou, Volume I, Number 6, 9 December 1873 — Our Public Expenditure [ARTICLE]
Our Public Expenditure
(Hight and niust bc rcduced at least twenty-five s per cent. We could certainly get along with fifty! per cent. lesd of Minisfcers, and we might employ I eome more native talent, fchat would be moie eeo-' nomieal, We don't believe thafc natives want to' fill all the offlces, even if they were o9ered to them. ■ They know that this is a foreign devised govern-' ment, and must need some foreigu experience to ■ assisfc in its direction ; but for official figure heads,' or smecures, we think that the indigenous patriote ehould yet have a preference« The presenfc! burthcns of the Foreigii Office ought certainly to' find a competent incumbent at half the pre&?nt' pnee,—whieh would be a good suifi fbrafigiire ' liead Wheii we get a competent Minister we' might pay him somethihg extra fbr measures ear-! ried through, and of eourse deduct for back- 1 downs. We musfc reduce our official espenditure, J ot gefc workihg men that earn their money '