Nuhou, Volume I, Number 6, 9 December 1873 — Spelling Exercises at the Nuhou Hintastute. [ARTICLE]

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Spelling Exercises at the Nuhou Hintastute.

j Firfct j. i Good. | Little Ni aoi boj s 'Ail Sairts, ' H-a-M Z-a-n-i-e-F, RigM. 5 New boy fron) F<'rel£iT Of!ioo« sr.elī llar--11,0. : I' j P-a-l-a-v-e-r. | Correet. jovi maj go ouu I I- .. -_ _ _ I ! 41 The faintheartod wllhikawa! uf t!io Pearl 1 Harbor scheme lias left tlie agitatoL6 wliLoa; au ! and tTie Minīstcr!« wUli jut a I Perhaps friend Ā(h tr(hn\ ; You ought to j mad about that i?atlden ilunk # Juit as jou \yerc j baoking yOiU' Luen wiili a uew J?ponge and a fre6!i jfilled boule ; but don'tjou %\tter jourseir that the Xinuv bruiser is laiu up ln j be lnis abolisbe<l an armj and ;kuo-eked au organ |and a Mlni?trj out'of tiuie. i §3F" A ebureb going snob s l\eart «mul Ili | the won?hip, is re«idilv by a!waj< i t«ming roimd In tho'jv\v olfeei ve the cf ■ every wuml that enters ihe ehureli. t ! I"he Kuokoa that the Niuoi eoek is erow- [ ing for i)othing at am! oiir eoek rej*llo> t! at \ the Kuo&oa is a pullet that lauk Puuloa, a ratVer j biid ogg. CoekKi-doodle-do !

I j3T A ladj* to know whj t the iu- . vontion oi needle £uns> wouuu eanl >\e!l } asmen. ! | r | i ' ; 2?" lf Wrdie " \shat ahu>\iud fottdls Jet\lk ?n$ wife, heeauee ehe jvrUbalun. ' | died of a ewe?/' i$ the &tiiteiueuc |i& a verCHĪu oluiua^, A ,at oar elWw ī dted <VJ v*;« ie wu|klu*i be helj*evL Wtiv L* a vater.te3 NoWo %vi:!,out js\v l;Ve U w ! pT!oed ea*!cv * IWAUS> ) < \< A oLe,\p yu ; .. ' - ■' " , -• J \;•• m •• . ;- : • • ... •, :f•• .