Nuhou, Volume I, Number 6, 9 December 1873 — Obituary. [ARTICLE]
j I)iedacsandj s>pringe, uear PaKilelon, South j Carolina, o|a thc 24th Septemiier !aet, Captaiu I Aaron Benson Lkwis, in the 53d jear of hit? age. j iio was engaged duriiig the whole of the \\av of | iSeecB6ion in the Coufederate t?ervia\ Ile was ) present at the of Buli Eun iu the Fourth 18, 0\ Kegimeiu ; and took a part iu everj iwtlou | ot the Aruiy of .Northeru Yirgiuia, untll the eurreuder at Appouiattox Ile wae a brot!ier-iu-law of Mr, Ivibson of Lanai. | Oik SUephei\! if there i«? a me>uier dog! than ihe fellow who read& the Nvuoi llnii | . one eke foi% mul t!ieu has the miWuahin^ ! ' impuJenec to uee eonihnpluoue langua£e 1 the paivr, he would to haye liiin deseribed. ! l l! v: V,|