Nuhou, Volume I, Number 6, 9 Kekemapa 1873 — Change of Mind [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Change of Mind

Has become alarmingly laehionahlo tmce tho latc notable cbabge of nmvdof theMiiiistrj t Churchcs |.ancl otlief ohange their appoiiUmenie, j beeauge od aeeouut of weather or somc oppoBite j opioiou, it ;is 1101 deemed advieablc to keep a j prouiitse, or t>tand hy an ei,gageinont. Ladice havc | Uie pnviiegp ol Lhanging their minds nine times, I wid oui: in vujdieation of their charactcr j as oid are deteniiined to exerciBe thc femj inine prevogative of elmnge of mind.