Nuhou, Volume I, Number 5, 2 December 1873 — Promenade Concert [ARTICLE]
Promenade Concert
l>y tho iiaNvaiīau MilitarY Baui ai h. ; v \ next fhursday eventng PAttr i 1 !Vr!cho!c > t:\ivl; , v, V i ,,.. Ovcrturc. J v - * Octi in Merev IIear Our rrajcr \\ hnporr.\! r?tv L ■ $... t»ART U[ . ; TLc *a A.nVvU ioa—Mc<llcv Cavati«;itOjvera — BclisArīv> *IK>&; * * Muuka WaUi» %%<k [ Goi!rc Black Crook Guloj,>, " rius is t!ie last of tho eoneen* Novembei\ Mi\ I>erger offor* a' ver)* 5nc i :. graumu\ The ivndering tlio .>verture Nebuebodono$er, as perfbrmed thi< trained Raud \\ould make a uiuiiea; rcput.it_u aujwhere iu the Uiuted States or;Kurope, aui perforuied in (ho$e eountrie$ by regarivv ! n? the of $avage$ %vou!d be atteniei oy .. : popular furore of approva! And tSabuc;i^ion,V_ | is one of uiany chef d\u\vte* lu iae reiSKtojro c. I our Band , i ;; . ..