Nuhou, Volume I, Number 5, 2 December 1873 — Oh, Jeremiah! [ARTICLE]
Oh, Jeremiah!
The Mui!&terial prophet of Pear! ILt;t.*ke-;, up u burthen <A lamentation, ?aynjg OU tha' ai? head w r ere a fountain of Nuuunu thu? I iui^h f weep day and niglu for my greut meit»ure the depth ot the Lagoon. Oh! thu,t I hud iu tu : laud of my fathers soiue corner lotē, jr :ailr.>« '' Btock ; that l might leave thīs weak-kne-'d i .reig: peopie that would not invest more thci:i gub my Pearly hope», for they he all adultereri, a;: aosembly of men that won*t go their pile. Au i zhey bend their tongues like a ēubsidized new=paper for iies; but they are not valiant for ea.truth upou the eurtu. Take ye heed everj of hia neighbor, and tru,st ye nut in any even of the vi AU for every āaue.wli] uuerly suppl;tnt, and every ueighbor wiil walk with slanders. And they will decelve ewry his neighbor, even as they have deccivea zhj prophet of Pearl llarbor. How are the mighty fallen 7 And w my hopes in the T>agoon ? Did I nojt oeholi eoin of the cuuning workiuanship of tlio Sai shining in the depths of the Ljchs? And di-i i not behold a ūourishing branch store upon :lia; Pearly shore? And wherefore o!jl! 01eag:noichildren pf the oil mart? Wherefore oL I - of the sweet eane from a far eouujtrj? VTher'jfore thls baekdown } this.sudden wilt and iuak Was it the voice of the shre«Td; w:_ when he esehanged a laee eoat fpr a republica; palctot denouneed the jK-arls as only pabte? Or the voice of the Privy Cou : cillor who cried lo ' the poor ludia|n? Or wai the Leviathan NuHOi, who āounder;ng w::, audacious Su and 3uke in Hawaiian waters niu.;died the depths of the Lochs, aiul so I-:i pearls of great price? Yea, it is even sc. Then oh, Lonl, put a hook in the jiiw jf Ljt. athan and make fast a taekle to hjs l.e: him be hauled up aud tried out. Lot us puia; his head dry, and stop the fount of editor:al that lnhrieatos t!?e wheels of the car of Hawuil independence. Let us piek his !>ones, u:ii 1.1character to pieces. Let u.- stop the pre*s o: Leviathan. Lot us bluff off his carriers. Le: read hi> papor wit!iout paymg fōr it. Aai lo: his with bur>. | For '„>el.jii, I. . tiiere be any sorrow like unt.j xuy|sorrow f wl;i v l is done unto me, and my Lagoon by tliis l/eviathnn. And so the proph,et of Peari !br" made an end of his lamentat;ion