Nuhou, Volume I, Number 5, 2 December 1873 — A Benefit Concert. [ARTICLE]

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A Benefit Concert.

j in behaif of ltelh\ Miller, will tako plaoo at | tlio Koyul Ila \yaiian Thoatio uest Friduj ovou- ; ing. 5liss Milloi* lms a voloo of muoli powoi, ! compas}?, uiul !loxUu!ity, \vith u Jo- ! oided «rti$tio 1 tasto ; and she *is dosirou> of ( aequirin£ me;ui8 and a Wtter opportunity to j eultivato and , iuiprovo hor tiaturai taleuts," tbis ; oeoasion of a oonoort hai? boou dovisod» to a2brd an for our lovors of iuurieal nrt, and of 8tr»gglmg MTort, to o>Uend a ktndl % v ald to Iier as an artiet, v|ho with 0|jp0rtuiutj and a $uit;\bie liold may do|bonor a« i\ L* !ior uative islands