Nuhou, Volume I, Number 5, 2 December 1873 — REDUCTION OF SALARIES [ARTICLE]
An<l ] lu\vuiians r..> bc in offiee arc tvv<Tbf thc iwouhures t>rour pulitical progminmc, whieh thc no ds uf thc countiy juire 6hauld he carried'out. I v or \vhat aer\RL does anj foreign MiniBter of the King requirc of this poor country five t!jousand a year ? And \vhat servioe is rendered, that it)ay not bc a8 well or bcttcr rendered by an educated nativc "Minister: >: Shall the credulity and Bimplicity of llawaiians aiways to rcst eontent that they |shall bear the burtheus and partake oi' short rations, whilst incompetent 'strangcrs lord it in theīr places oF honor? We think that Ilawaiiana are now Bomewhat C3i!ightened, —that they ean read and under§tand thc politieal situation as they run ; and that they know, that when hardly any man\s husiness is worth five thousand a year. that officers wh.j have hardly anything to do should be contcnt with luueh lc6B than that sum. Two Ministers managed t!ie puhlie of this country when there werc one hundred tliousand people, and we think that one competcnt ministērial bead might suffice, now that there are on!y fiFty thousand ; and with a corresponding reduction in the personnel and emolument oF our bureaucracy, escept among the rcal workiiig ineiabers, we might hope to reduce our expenditure at !east one hundred. thousand dollars, to be em- " ployed In doing something For the real life oF the land. ThereFort' we say reduce sa!aries. reducc Ministers, ieduce ōfficial emoluinent generallv, and give plaee to native:s.