Nuhou, Volume I, Number 5, 2 December 1873 — Late Foreign News. [ARTICLE]

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Late Foreign News.

Hv t!ie arrival of the Co/t;> l \ve itave * from t!īe coast up to t!ie 7th in>t r After glano- ; ing at sever.\l mN'I» 1 of p;apei>» we d » n«>t uhser\\ j any sa!ient point of news. | Tnr. Si.\T}> s(ill eonllnue the greateti ; and m(>st piufj;.ert'us of m\>l tfie iuom ' liablc to bankruptey. ClaiVm £ C». have .?»£«- l ptnd(d 10 the tune of fuitv iuil!lions uf uebts, ' and Boutique & Co. havewi'th an indcbtt\li negs of one hundred and fbrty thousaud. 1: ij now estab!ished in iinaneial that over a j miilion of uebts consti.tuie.s a suspcusiou at*;d ! under that suiu a llulure. Consequent!y n jbudy | need hope lo aspire to the of sus}> x n>i.;r: | in these islands. j Frunee has had hcr inonai\:hieal iever | by a Uow of Thiers. j i Sjxiin, akhough-she has !brtiii\xi hci>eif with a ! Cr.stelav; yet in spite oi iill he Oīin k\j ; he o uīM 1 ; ; I; | : : -ii : > .'iv i was bombarded at AlieaiU^ I braeing uj»; iu ot!ier I- ! now thoroughly l>ismareked. I lioHand sent 15meu wkii ! guns and breeeis-ioaders to deiuolish Aelun; ai:<l s Aeiiin l»okis a very stift* ltp. Lx»k out ! 1 donder and blisen» iuhl f«»r ihe l)uteh to get \\e;l ; peppeml again ou the !Vp|rr Coast of Sum;Uru. I ltaiy and King \"ietor aiv with thx 1 two Kaisers in oi\ler to form a ponUoa! trinitv I timt wili help pre6erve Ilaiian \anty. l $y A nug in tlie nose wou!\i Nj senaVie aI a ra)g m the ear, ?»ut it ev)ukl iKft ? *e kej t j ele&n, : : - ; 1 : ; i : -: : ;Ī; j ap ihe Ministers ma;ivhevl up i!;e lVarl !Ur \ bor hill \vitii perhaps live th »usf\iul ineu» au 1 | ti»n they \naivhed <lown agai!i without a inan | tbeir taiK | * | ■■ ■V ,; ;■; ; ? ■&■ 7 i QT v eilow liair, or a tnixe\! ; I liair abounds iu tlie Sauiōuu Uiauds s us proveu o\ j uiauy JNUuples brougi\: heiv by CoL Steiuber^er s jon b<KxrJ the Fanuy 4 ai\d lai? f;uj: utteily u;s I proves llie tluvry oi our piloi' S|X\uisU uii*\>vj cry " advoe;\tes t t 4 u;t our i\\l or bkui4e laiiWi ! (ehu) S| liki^k