Nuhou, Volume I, Number 5, 2 December 1873 — "The Drain of Species" [ARTICLE]

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"The Drain of Species"

ls going on a £,teat rate in counirj, t?aye a j bungler, wiio meant eoīn, and not kanaka*. l>ut| therc is a drain of hoth our aud our spe-' cies, beeau!?e \vc impovt too many dry goods, j and not enougti of wet goou s , eallcd blood. llow' ean you keepeOin in the landorkanakasalive, when you have got ten preaehert? for one planter, a seore of iawjers for every grazier or larmer ? more merehantj>'V ihan meehanies, and ten-fokl morc than produeert? ? Labor .is not honorai)le. Every mother*s eon, native and for-. eign alike. wai:Us to be, —and all parentseontriYe and mtrigue him to be, a profost?ional, or a. counter*jumper, and not to be a man!y producer of something frotn the soil/ A hard liaiul and soiled fingers ;,ire as in these poor isles as in old eapitais of the \vorld, where the accumulated \vealth of ages has given a tive right to soine to be lazy andgood for notlung, But \vliat right have we U» be lazy ? Whue dignity is there |in slops, or \lruga, or tiape, tliat they should hdpire only 6iiobbkh pretension aud a waste of kid in eovering idle huutfe? Vast mat>s?cs of people as iu Loudon, Pane, Xew York, or Canton may mutual!y prey on eaeh! other with profossiōnal and t?hop-keeping indus~, try, l)ut witb sueh a little equad of people a$ | «are have got, it is a to have t?ueh a lot ofj pi\)ie4ji>ionals ai}d *hop-keepens. Make labor Ikhi- , orablc, - e noit a*?hauk\l of a little ofj your palm, beeause then it may not itehtoiuueh.| Set the exampte of produeing soniething,—anvl, let no man ket x p a £tore who lias n> eash io pay ■ for his goods;—|and thcn Me may hope fbr a stop-. page not onlv ih t!u x dr;\hV <f * e.v *p*H % h\ hut ' •f cur pw^ie*.! I 1 -: : "j: ; : .1; - v: ; :