Nuhou, Volume I, Number 5, 2 December 1873 — "No one to take their Places," [ARTICLE]
"No one to take their Places,"
That is tiie lalk of n)auj, wlio admit liuu there| ouglit to bc a change of Ministry ; but that \vej eannoi findin'thls communitj auybudy eapahle; of supplying t'he t>tatesmanship of a Bigliop or a ; Judd! We have called this {breii»n eoinmanitj a '• eoßinopolitan mob, r ' on aceount of its contnining ; such a lai*ge nbmber of weak kneed toadies and Bnobs ;|but w0 never thought- of making such a 6landerous in3muation as the above; bccause wej know that we have manj well infbrmed aud high, toned gentlem(|in in our midst, and eould piek out| a score ol' gentlcmen 011 the l>eac)i v inflnitely j the superiors in eiiialilieaiione as puhlie nien to the present ineumhents in office. i