Nuhou, Volume I, Number 3, 18 Nowemapa 1873 — A "Prospectus" [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A "Prospectus"

io f>c our'fc is adverticta giaU< in the Artctriiur bv **, aiid we returii .Luuk* ♦ •«.' i * - % for the adverti&ement; but Biu6t poim mibrepreceiitation of ,a gurbling a!aniuirt lie quotee trom a native mele, whieh i? a rla;> 6odie effudion, inteoded to i,- u J whieh per-souate« the Nmou. It begh> L ,v I am a me*senger s«?nt uqU» i c*u i ihe ma«iaiaiija : I de«cead into the deep vaks , T sweep o*er the atonriy mam. The bwrning he«it of day doeo a-;-i l am ehe comrade of the wiads, Aod tbe eompanīon of the rain ; 1 am a shield agaiost the eoki Aud eaoool āwtli wiUi me" And then follow tbe linee quoted bj ; ; ling alarmist. I "I au* a mes»Q>eoger iorbutd:ug To give away Pualo^ Be not decei?ed by lht nieieiiami. (Kalepa or speculatire rmg) * They are only entictag you t I Making iair their iaces, they arc :vu wiuiu , Tru!y desirius anne:iatAOii, Greatly deslring tbeir owa good , i They have no thoug!u of good for vr, u . ; \ presuming set only are they, i A proud and a haughty set, Ever soHciting at the saine time | Desiring that you should aīl āie* [ That the Kingdom may becomt thcl£s.~" i lt will be aeen that tbe whole effatiou is u :;u ti?e poetical extravagaaza, (and not bad poei:.. either, Bome*of it,j and that it ia not £hc editcri j expres6ion of this paper. llad this anonjmou s . garbling alarmist desired ;o represent <jur pro= | pectus correct]j, efpeciallv in relatiou to nativc | and foreign iutercourse, he would have quc>tta I from the same paper \vherc he found hie poeei. j extract, sueh language as this. 11 Such indepeuuj enee impliee the eomplete haruionj and muiuu: | prospevity ol the native and foreign people of j ielaods.. Also this . "We sha!l leaeh theui | cutivate the most frienclh' relation* wtth tli,i Americaii People." * j But after all we uu ::-jt eee that «;ātinica.jof tho song are mueh ou'. or the waj. Uuvc UJ i fthe (kalepa) been| trjing to Urga:.i 1 away PeKrl llarbor (Puuloa) Are thej °aa; | " entieing " and making •• fair laees," aud vc; l»8 Attomey Heneral Phillipa 6aid, •• truij desu ! ing annesation?" is tliere not a Fet" around t!ie Throue, that youid set atide tcc wisb of the people with a paoked ilouee of Sobles'? But perhape it ia aot propei, or ptudeui to eay, that sueh a speeuktive jriug wish ;iui au "should diebeeause tkete «i;\y !k* aiou- : t!i;m in sueh au e^pie^iou. j l'oilowing is tae prognunuie oi j the llotel grouuds by the Uawaiiau , I>aud for Thursda> eveuiug ue.\t. vvaiiueneitii; | eight o'eloek i 1 ' j >Urch, Opeiu - lV>*»hct x | Ovu;tui\, * JL*uuu«» 04 , llomo S>\cct llonso- Au — — ! Klu»lMhiohe Olu^i—i\\yecu , „ s \ _ I?4RT II | | SckotJou Orphcus " | Graml !Vtci aad CUudvf " i Ulue Vt,\U l by icquest l' i >«*"'»•: —JXm't forget that Mn Thos, ii. ilaru?oa j ti»e celebraied Oeaeh smd Ora*ijaeat*l Paku;-, | reuio\ed te Uie line i\vius ever Mf. iUliou i j 6tow, au<l is pfepaiwl !o do wcrkj ia a vey | aad at prices -o per .vi:ī'-r ovn ; h»s heeu Uoue Ue!ttA>tv. i .