Nuhou, Volume I, Number 3, 18 November 1873 — Insurance to be Taxed. [ARTICLE]

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Insurance to be Taxed.

Tbe Kuokoa, nat!vc newepapei, in !?.> I*?ue <J November io comii)enting upou a reoeiit betwccn tbe f.gßnU of certa.Vi InsuraDce Oompaniee and t!ie Mini*ter of fciie Interior inakes tlese rewarks: īt \sl]\ well iur tLe Legi&lative to consider t!.-e lenefit derived from them (tbe Infjurauee if we are not mistalien, tlie deriTee no benefit from their braneh of co!ufoerce; bat these foreign eompaniee are enabled tu enrlc!) tlicir own Lume?, wil'L w! .it t!ie t y draw fronj thesfe islands. For thie reasoD we objeet to their petifcion, heeauee we do )pot see that thej ai'e on a par ofoblsgation A!lother *indu6trie6 a're tased» or; liceu6ēd ; but tlil- (mturi".iimtcrefct c- u»tvlLutei? nothīng («.» thc fi-Aer'j-ment. We learn thal in other eouuhie* thi? hueinwis vvl tc!i i? f»»r thn<= t?ie::e is a proper relation of muiual advantage an<l uoI iigationbetweeo &ueh and theOo^emm-n[, Tbe propriety of iieeneing ai. l others of a eimilai- eharaeter, i* evident, eueh interests have no proj»ertj here to oe taxed, iniport no dutiable goou& 5 and jet gather miuh wealth out of our land, Xherefjre, jou Representative of thc nest L:gislative wii; do well to eon?ider this matter.

Ibo agente of lns«ranec wlio posed 6imply to agitat€ an import4Uit i:: the intcrest of everj Uiin eitj t are placed bj a mouthpiepe of Miniisterial opluion in tbe attifeude of offipious interiue<ldlersj \s\-j eliouii be pums})ed bj tasation for theiv iuterierenee. Tiiis semi-o£cial artiele of the KwA jo is a siap in the faee at insuranee, and taken eonnection with the eoTert sneer iu the lettcv of the Minister of the Interior pabllshed In t!ic A(fvcrtisfr of last Satyrdaj, \vould eeem i:> iuu?cate a supercilious disregard of a,uio?t imporvaut iaeaettre aa propoeed bj \ery inSueutiai men:be:r of thie eomimmitj. Whether the busioe?? -;T ineunnee in thls eountrj be an objeet Ijt uxation or not, u is eertamlj meau $nd sjjteful f.j one, wbo evidentlj repre6euts Goverumeui;\l opii;ion, tothreatentheimpqi?itiouu! ajL>urden,on!j al; 1 time when the Goveriiment remiud:l .T iaxitj of attention to puhlie \veliare.