Nuhou, Volume I, Number 3, 18 Nowemapa 1873 — Amateur Theatrieals. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Amateur Theatrieals.

Several ladies and gentlemen, gave an eDtertainiaont inßujS"um ? 6HallonTuet:daj evening2Bth uk., as a benefit for a benevolent cbureb object. The performance consisted oi tableaux vivants, muKie and pantomine. The afiair wae a Eoaneial success, as there was such a. crowd, that the jam was a trifle uopleasant. The crowd. was a matter ol course, inaemueh as the ladies who appeared en the stage have friends enough to fili two such halle; and if the performanee had been eimplj solos on a penny whistle, there would h.ave* been an overflowiug audieuce all the same. It Uould hardlj be eomme il faut to underiake a criticism o.f a voluntarj, parlor, amateur performance; but- we may ventu„re a few remarks, when we feel that there is no occasion :o make any but laudatorj onee. The posc m scene, and easj eonfident mannei* of these ladies and gentlemen, would have done eredit to professionals of infinitelj greater experience before the fbot-lights than thej ean possiolj have. The Portrait painting bj Rubens was a fine aud well gotten up scenebut Beatrice Cenci on her way to Execution was adxnirably preeented, aud was the most artistic scene of the evemng. The pantomimic presentation of Vilhkons an4 ins Dinah does great credit to the histrionic apfcitude of the juvenile perfbrmers, and take italiogether, Jt was quite an intercsting amateur periormauce.