Nuhou, Volume I, Number 2, 11 Nowemapa 1873 — The Nobles of Hawaii [ARTICLE]
The Nobles of Hawaii
Are fevv in the home? 3 of thcir ancoōta:c i'Lie:v wcre onee manj deeconjanis of Umi. of Keaw. of Kehekiii. and of Kalanimoku, reprebC3: ed reai power and dignitv among tuelr nee. . being stripped of domitiion aai i;iuerited eoi:--quence r thej have faded awav a!ong wlili tinguishment of the natlonal £pirit aod tr tlielo kof these is!es; ani now there Ss eueh a mear T remnant left to t*tand around the liawiii : Throne. that its fore:gn; advisers propose to some of the vaeant plaeeo ol departed c!rr!> w r :' gtrangers who wou!d BeII the birtlu-igat of ta; remnant of the race. But let Mlai6ters bewire. —this vemaant ; —thete,Cftj thousaod of Ilawa are still masters of the politieal of ta:arcbipelago : —an J thej wi!l regard and t:?at > traitors, whoever helps to plaee a trader o r li waiian so!l amj®g the N'ob!e? of Uawa:;* Noae but natlve sub!ectB of H:s Maiest" approp:iate as Hawaiian Nob!cs. , Anj foreigne. whoee elaim on the countrjf i$ mere!j wliat! _ has made out of it, woukl be an object o: r: j euleaaa NoMeman ( # ) of Hawaii.