Nuhou, Volume I, Number 2, 11 November 1873 — A Prince of Italy. [ARTICLE]
A Prince of Italy.
rbe Uuke of Genoa io now d;ulj cspect<.''s to ; arrive at this Port on board in.-» Itulian Moje*ty's | Sfcearn Frigate the GarriJ;al<li t aud a few r>artieu-' t i iars reanectiog this-joung gentle:nan and t!ie n-jble ' shlp tbat beats hi'ai' may be of eome īntercst at j thidtime. i Thc l)uke Thomas Albert Victor the *on of' | tiae late Duke Ferdinand of Genou, who died in j | 1'855, just one ycar after the birth of thU young Prince, who was born Feb, G, 1854, and is thus a i minor in the Dineteeoth vear of his age, Hie mother the OuchesB Do?Fager Eazabeth, the daughter of Siing John of Baxoay, is yet living, and lre! haB a eister thc Priucese Marguerite, wh^ is married to his cousin, Ilia Royal llighneē3, Hambērt thc Crown Pnnee of Italy. lie has the blood of the Koyal Englit?iu Stuarts in hU ve:n^ and by deecent his family might elaim preoedence to the throne of England. and the unele qf this Princei His Majesty King Victor Emmanuel would, if legitimacyof Bucceseion were recognized in Eagland,supercedellerMajeaty QueenVictorla. Our expeeted visitor having indieated a penchant for tliu &ea when boating and yachtiiig in j the waters of. h:s native Genova Superba, has; bcen dcvoted p the Navy; ahd at pre<sent lie oe-' cupies thc modest poslticQ of midshipman on i board jOf one ;of his Eoyal Uaele'e finest gbips, During tae pre-sent cruiōe of the Garriba!di, the young Piinee has vkitedGibraitar,Rio<le Janeiro< Cape of Gv»d Hope, Melbournc, Sydney, Hobart Town, Fiji lslande, and Ports of Japan; and after leaving tliN Port, the Garrihaldi will proceed to San Francisco, thence to Ports of Western South America, and tliea. will pass through the Straits of Magellan en route to the Mediterranean and home We hope t\it iliis young Italiaa Priuce, who reprc3ents a ui > * ioble nation and an illustriou6 Royal Liae w 1 ueeive only pleasant impres?ions fro:n h"s t t Honolulu. eueh as lus Princelj Ivin?;nen of lvjj;land aiui of Saxe Coburg bore away fro:n s!iores. and tuat when he returuB to ti:e lovely Boenes and sk:es of Italy, he willremember his vist to these isles as the most pleasing one dunifg his cruise, TUE UA t )[ la a steam trigate of 33 r >() tons moASurement 5 and 0f450 horse-power. her ar:nament consists ofe!ght 100 pouud ri3e guns, and eight saialler guns; and her eomplemeni of men and o3ieers is 40? iasr ov OFrtCERS. e ipt. awi Co?)mxiTUer~Xūdt?i\ £>n:or Lieufehanfs—Carlo Ga!'eaai, Monto*o. &€cond Lieutcnants—Q?LTn\l\Q Can<Jiaau Guiciau» Ml'.'.oueo, Ilalīaelo Volpo. Doaieaico A'berto Ferstt v ), " Marw> Cantelli, Gaoua* Ca^i:iei;a. iN'ioola Peueo. 11. tt, K/Tho:na*. Puke cC rieiro Ser\, Cosare MarUuī, CsasjM;\rJi, Cesare Maioaoei, l.u;gi FaraveUi, Oerolan\o l?o:v.uv,>rsi, Maroe> Amoio, Lui - vīco liieisa t Allwo T3; nna-o |:\i\ Il>mi'ili, Arturo Bonu\:ii, Ouiiio Cevu Paymaster— Qiusoppo Poirauo First SuHhmw. Fiota.u. $econ i -Cī. U. Alhai^ouu CA?f/ MariJ Zaaab«v U V 'i irta:n — ll.n Meu *. 3?" Following tlie progvamaie of mu>ie at t!ie llote! grounds Hy the Ihwaliau miUtary B:md for Tht;rMay cvcnlng neVv at eight o'eloek 1 ! i. IKuek l<?u OvfrrUin\ Opera, C aad Ba< adoro , i N . Āuber Matusehka ? l?u*4ian Ai'e * *~ Oa Boaut.ful Bī.;c Daimtu\ UVa Strauss n. Eol. ;'..0 > ..u;:. *or.o ooiujo .Hiv.,tfT i ē Cho:; .. » i r..-v Veta>. %UC;nouo Kia* L<;v£\< KUI *B»uo UxMr,i. Uu \\: •; \> I .Olto*al>aoh