Nuhou, Volume I, Number 2, 11 November 1873 — Our Foreign Friends [ARTICLE]
Our Foreign Friends
f Arc not obligcd to paj uf od>j eee ili tL ' Nrrov in Ite prcscnt form for eU aftcr ' bcing nccu6tomcJ to f;ur d:l!ars fcr li shcc: !balf tb.c si:.e for that timc. Th<j law will en!j !rcquirconc dMla* fcr jour |but ae* we make fbe icuucticn to meei of mcD, whoee j:uree h usually a yctj tmal! i corncr of nn o!d ra£ged j : jveDture ir.ere!j to suggeft tLat ycu who '3rour Imllion in hag£, or \vbo bo!J s:lYcr eeniliicateBby the quire may Inuu!ge in 1 any jtbat our oi epeeeu may inspn\ I yo«r wiii give no olTeusc. *
_— —. ! Rm)CAM"-s in tbc .4 >v<rtha; sjt\iks -• 'r. xnan with a new fcoe \v!:o |i? JevctcJ | trccs: buf he ig afraiJ t::e ce\v Loe l;cu? 'est it> cJge. We think \yc k|io\Y the inal|vidua! rcferrcv! to, TTc keow 1:1,5 £seai lovc J ' treefs. nmi hate of treas-oii ar;ui;i\l the IWe know too that he oan hoe I;il< row, aiid 1] jaoy one eoiaplaiue of the euge a !his j it is bcoauso he does uot raise eaue fcr thcir iuiil s op Joc?■ oot lielp to salt a be&us pcarl hei, like ■an Ari;.oiu\ du\moud £eLI. Ycu hi; him La:\l/ and jou e!a]l judgo bj t!:e iie'&oi» i::< t\i, it leaue of 6te:l cr n;;. j 3T A Sablv»tarian o!d ljidj 4 vu^ ,mildlj rebukin& hei miuis:ei i r :u } proiuecadc oa ehe Sdbka;;.. I!:C iu laefczi himeklu viied t* e i:is;>fi:ce a I \\iCb llis* Ox- \\\ tl:c s.:i t.,0 \jav. ( Aj» Wiu t<..e ;i4 1;.dj» %% Ay, 1 »Ui 1 iwe* v*w»-,J ..e L-v:u r \ pbr ii iw»;-er " 1 | .