Nuhou, Volume I, Number 2, 11 November 1873 — Spain and Castelar. [ARTICLE]

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Spain and Castelar.

we eee a countrj led hy greatest min i. This ie eufficieDt to greatlv en! anee our re-jxct for SpaDiarde ; and we iauH ,?'\j tl at we wili te obiiged to loee eome for FrencljmeD, if they-caD eet aeide their great and plaee in their 6tead the mere reprcKntativc J cld feudal eu j-ei--6tJtioDe. Happy and proud be a countrj> thougb poor, that ean like Athens in preferring PericJes, and Spain io choosing Castelar, occr[t. for gui£p or ruler her wieest citizei:. liow nohlo may even an ineignificant etate Uke Ainen? a Hawaii become, when , thc bigheu iDteliigeDCC rulee, and greater etatee aie admcni*ted bv her etateemanehip. Bttt,clae? the leaderehlp o» Uawaii ie now inlinitelv ! elow even hcr jwn poor condition.