Nuhou, Volume I, Number 1, 4 November 1873 — Ihe Mob and the Snob. [ARTICLE]

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Ihe Mob and the Snob.

St&, Koitof:—The J\ m uhou iu cics : .ng *\"s c~x.n- i ▼olume, whereia it in4uiged ad īioiUun, \n :Le eeiī&e to cut aoties -*nd Ci *hos its ihape.-/' , leave ol the £Dglish re&diiig portien of the eyiiui . . , aity wah u vicious kick> cf iht tditv:: * coutempt Ue 4eclar€s <kte ne is " iir&d "oi ing to us; he cnight Uave eeastd lus gabllc lon* for that matter—it \& deubtful if any one wou!d a*?? eompMned of hi*j silence. But he ealla naniō, : .j hia rage lecaui«e the pub!ic ha* lailel tu apprec^;v his toweriiig geniu-. We!are a44 cosmopolitaiu £>. 1; ; of foreigner»/* who ats :piite will!ng to begOTernr:; s ßeing foreigneis rhe eouLtry, it strike> ;r.? j_- a good trait to be cosraopolikn ? and tbat dczi'i ! be! against the.governuient under whieh >e liv- *■>: ! hardly!>e a reasou for denominating us as a ob 1 ; But the Au/nw is going tb addrec* itac!f iv tbi tives, turning its baek upon the foreign ruob. Ic ; nativeB then, the editor will doubdess unheaoui h'I selt an«i show what we are worth in &oul,** : | faili&g to tfnpre=īf upe.n them what a wietched tv, lot gocs to make up the foveign roob. «'* hat shati f: liken thi> A'uhou unto? lam ieannded. u. * ; verse in Spe-ncer*g Fairy Queen;" " Now hia lieart all ia joility, And of himself great hoj>e and help lo: • i rhat, pu£Ted up with of vanity, \nil with «elf-loved persor;age d€ceiv\i, [ He >gaD to hope, of men to be rceeiv'd For eueh aa hioi thousht, or iain i _. But for in eourt gay portance he pereeiv\' > A galiant show to be in greatest gree, ; Eft?oou« to court he cn*t t 4 adcacf- hi- si;s,i . —Mvcrft<er, N* o v. I*t. Penuo.L. ; 'Hiip <-hampjonsLi]. .»!' ;ht "juul<" Li t nbr>v i« ;>;i tL,ut decideU!v <.f t)ie srtiyl». lf » t - liave iudulged in fling nt tlic w;mt <>f ;.übtic jpirit, ainl ineap-aeī;j to miite in opinion uj.o;t anj puLlie tjue:tic.n i-.; ! flio r«rt«.» .i'ir S.reign \vaimunitj, w- ot.iv j peat w!iat iuenif:ers- cf eoiuiaumr, art sujis g | dai!v on the street aail ij« tls«.ir socJal inu-m.uiw . I>ut v.v (l.i »ot īii c-.'!i?enueiiet -• ueke Icav<_- oi tl.e Knglis!i rcadmg ]:vrtioif" t .r .tuy oiki poiiki; of thn foreign .omuu»Wt}. ehail dc»<.tr mai;y cihimng ..f ~U f ne|\v 4> we dc in t;.:, . ies-i;e, u> diseu6««oj cf toj>ict> wuL v | En S lsdi ieuding , TLej arc, ..ftLcj de?ervi'ig ;tidividuall.v ot uur !.eti uLn* uud o. i | LigLest e<> « , Lut ;i» a eoiuniuuitv, f t the auy uui[\ ei aetioa, tLey art ;i \ mere xik>!», >>ti aeet>unt of tLe {>resenee of ;jealous. eiiTious saobs 'ike iho aWvc writtr. wL., , cannot extend tLeir prejudicvd \ iews bej>-.;ia ;Lck I nmw tauge ōf tlie foreeastle ,r eouuter. . ! purlieui< of pettifog frotii wLenee tliey 'l'hie member of tlie a|ob iudulges ui tLt us. fliog of his tribe at <>ur >upj>o«.\l i u»otive, a de : f=ire for offieial :tdv;Uii:emeut.- vvould : us with Lie EnglisL ta«te, witL a 4^.;. jti<*n from Spcueer -our reud«ns'of wh'.oh t\.t I uisLeJi «i! wUL a verse ;n wLieh ;u.«.iuu. .uI M.'rihblev may lx.< suited )\itli a iie Aail wha\ hc *gau hb > a Asnl his crest abovc ihe erom vi * Tfcea Uie slut }ckped backbiu, Make clamor iu the d3«k # , Aod eke m try wlthia i of Ue« aM eavy sore, tus brv\xh t v > I But he woa bis w w&s he pie,..' Aou h>sured ne iousy tykc thut j SīV 'H» wUhiu the e C