Nuhou, Volume I, Number 1, 4 November 1873 — The Prince of Wales Wants to Live Here. [ARTICLE]
The Prince of Wales Wants to Live Here.
j 'Vli>< Vi>rk Dwly Grajjfu>' quowiiig lroui t ttn: La<h/*s Xti;spap>r, ai\ Englīeh journal thut t\ie Prii)ce <»ften umuseF iu Uikinapurt i)i t!io pleasant >odal gtiuie <»f 4 : Preferenee*. M JTbe a»swers elioited m the £auu-, :tve *uppo.sed to be an mdieatioīi of (;liaraeter; ;ind Hie Hoval Itighncfc* wheu que?sfcīoncd in to hi~ ehuioe amoug ' royaJ ehHraeter>, iueutioued Leopold jf Belgium t and "Mnry Qnee;t <-f £?cotc; t!iose whom he preferied n.;- fjero, poei\ raiiitci aud author, were N r elson, Kaphae! and Macaulay ; his favorite Sovvor a rose : his «!uk-r was ;i I Zingari t " fhat iattv ?>e, gipssey perhaps) hh pet rsame wa? (unll uot ,Uex*diidra) ; his ehoiee of oeeupaiioa, ' ihv iuiprovement of hi« mind;" his' e-hief ama-emenl, hunting; hi& motto, thr one Ue hears t •• 5 »ei ve hit ehief objeet of ilislike, 4i 'uvarice;md h?t of all his favorite loeahh fbr reeidenee. II anbwer to thi< i'reutcd grcī»t WHudenaeiū t<> hLs company. T!) ; ev espeeted h-em- Seotlaud, or kSwit?:ei-lnnd, «»»■ ltaly mgDtiuited; hut the Prhiee, eo«d he wou!d }»vefer thc!i fdlunds to auy' other eountry :i> resideuee. ff nohle iadle> and gentlenie ( . \\ht> wo»deied at ih]< reply had aceoinpanied neeomplifched Priuee Alfred, Dnke of Edinf>urgh on boavd ihi- Ga!aito to the port «tf Houoiiilu ; <*r oad read hi* enthusttiefcie lottei¥ •>!' pr?u«e oi <>ur ieh> writcet» to his Royal mother. and no d(»ulu t* id oy his elder brother, tlu V \\uuld huve lell less surpria-. And li the Royal lleu uf Kngluiid wendd drup in upon us 1 cif > «Miid mght, and lietei» inaster melodies rendercd, amidet rhe tender iigbt «d* a mit <iivery eve, «weet us lovr anuJ the foliage of Eden, hN wouid »ind ;« re*t that Windbor mav uot give, aod mig!u «\velap.u wHh tho totos eating e3rtles; " Thcrc i> sweet Ueee, uiea j»i«tter ū<nThfti> lrciii Mown rcses on tiie sra>? . t>r mght«dews ou still waters between \vl\HeM shadowy granite in a gleamiias pa** >luhie tluu j, r entUer ou tUe *pitit He*>, l'hau tirM eyelid?i upon HrM oyw. ,, s n, y *. v ... ltcve »s ;v Uiini ot eahu, —our hturiiiy •• I- Jf; i !-ry i i l' > H'ii w ; w- wUI UO h".l»g. I * ■ ""1 "T ' - 23f" Folhtw;fc l> thr progrianutr oi muMe at the Hotet £t\>und< \y the llawaiian military Bilnd for Thur-d.\\ t >t i 3nno; noxl, ;u : " » v \ u i « AUfnirul lV:iui»eN (iu w) .Ikr§er OvGrluic f Opuu—lUkliwin Ui Algi» Ritssim hitroiiuet»ou and Cav;\thia. Oi\ri—? 1 T;\' i s«\ (uew) ~ S l«>nuota l.oVe Hi<- Rnst <— , Ctv»to I»ART n. Seleetiou, Olk'i»!—-Hi.iiU \ ot' »,tUte*aii Weddii»& M;uvīt .Meu4ebsoiiti Slror.£ Ti\ith ;»n.l I\ rU <M I-n . . .... * .Glotcr Wom;\» m\i ; i.. ... .. $trau*s iiere i> iiciightiul - u ne of the best with wliieu Mt\ lieij£or u\\ored u&, ;ind i\e\v, u eoiupliiaeia > the :K£Jdy esf. .M.V .1 Vir > ] j\^