Nuhou, Volume I, Number 1, 4 November 1873 — The Natives [ARTICLE]
The Natives
I Are said to be imu6ually hostlle tu f<»reīgnorf ,anJ i«peciaUy eo to Americane. Ta!k of tbis kind ; = jcirculated by certain fartīe3'in Ilonoluln. ani ! communicated to the benē<itional press of San i FranciBco; but we deßy tbe exittence of thls a?j ledged animositj. We have studied the īanguage I of tbis people and coiumunīcate I tbcm freelv; and we eeb no ohange in natlve feeling towarde foreigneia, to eau?e* tbe *]ighte*t alarm. Kut tbere is ek>me c!iange, and it took I plaee, when tru?ted uien in power pro}=osed to I cede or sell a part of Hawaiian doyiaīn, and when j othcrp, who had been regarded as bclo\ed teaci,lere, endorsed tbe trans&etion. They have an Inj terest in it, whieh tbe Ilawaiīan c:innotsee ; nnd when belietenedto w!io \vere dfsjo«e<! to advise him to etand b % v with hi«? halhi, 10 mai»tain tbe integrity ot hīe counirv, then thv*e Inter- | ested partieß etarted t?ie cry> tnat tbe »ut?\e | becoming particularly bost»le to foreignet>. i Tbe llawaiians are we helieve» witb vrrv v dec-idedlj hoelile to the $ehcrnethc jf'earl ilarbor Ceseiouisu; and are onlv atnij America» in their oppofition to thi- ill advised j scheme, l&U thej are as readv as ever to »uan j American whaleebips; as willing as in the j wben satistied witb wage and emplojer weik V v> |an Aineriean ptont4Uion ; prompt evev4.i j a job, or go on an erra.nd for an Americ-an |keeper; and are etilt a* gc>od »*atured aml a* d > jcile, ae in the past uavs of }x?ace, whon thcj I eameU tbe ehavacter yf being the be6t nutured ( people in tbe wor)d, talk of aoti- Aw:neai!I km ie a l»ugaboo with whieh a few iuterw-ted forjeignei>, wbo want the destinj of t?>e eotuitiv to I l>e sbaped to ineet tbe»r interc*t$ fl wonM tiok!o t!>e j tsen6ational pret* of Am ; enea t fo that wav ?hnv« v,i • j j h* eone oo hwttasi political aithough v .j j tbd tbcir in h^hlj |Oar «ocietjr 9 *u>d to our *tore-kecjvr* [ aud l>avcbex*. , 8 Wo kv e; wiuple jpeoplc,»—af a !on? 4 ; aud not tor gain io? a tbe ehi!drcn el tbe who ha\e tomc love of n\cx\ and who oliug to liope of palional Ufe And though i fcheir hope may ee-eui vacan t>j the ;f miperh] dcSviuy, aud thelr atti(ude follj 'īn not Mvk;ng to |be merged īn the Iptete?U ota oontlncnt. vet V: 1 them keep their Arclnpebg«an hon>e in jvacc, and it may be that tbe be*t interests cf niaVs:!c America may be bet?t served harmk>s oru! Indapeodent: ov*r tH< emi\n\utu of tb<> Fftelf e 1 ! !