Nuhou, Volume I, Number 1, 4 Nowemapa 1873 — OUR NEW PAPER [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Is' dev.dted. to ;the'advocacy• of the permaaent : r.;iejf endence of the Hawaiian Archipelago. Such i;idependence implieā the cōmplete and mutual prospevity of the native .1 foreign people of these islands. F a? \ve devote a larger share of our :o the Hawaiian 'la]nguage 9 so it is our [ orpose to devote a larger share of our attento the ins'tri}ction of the Hawaiian P^oWfcy ihouki vve pretend to instrnct oar ':.r«;gn- fe!low citizens,' when they have ac:o a thousand enlightencd presses s froni ■;\i]t ov;n motherlands; whilst the native has to on!y a very limited, and perhaps irtjiidiced source of instruction ? We are not prejudiced: w ( are w€ayy of shams, and doh ? t need to toady for' t xēad or eounienanee. ft is health ro our inheart, and to our very bones to say our iinā fear the face of no man/ And we :o say it, m the spirit of our §nlight» <: ried. civilizatiōn to these red people. They seem to have litile hope, and as our l:eart is ever brimfuli, we wam to iiispirit; ihem with our conviction that they may;jive, | and not die, as a people, j 'We shal! sho\v them their congenērs 'of & ; V Java and u the isles afar off, that have notl heard my (God's) tame, nor seen my glorys'V yet have increased and multiplied most vcnder{u)ly on the face of the earth, We shall show thcm that the body must re t be neglected for the sake of the soul; r,3KI that salvation should begin i.n this world. ; We shall eeaeh them to cultivate the most Aeiidly relation« with the Amerkan People, v.nd to solicit a reciprocity of trade with the ijreat Kepuhlie ; but we shall advise them' iiguinst the alienation of any'pōrtion of their' īcxritory, as not riecessary for the consumma-' ; on of reciprdcity, ahd not desired by tfie! :■(>' enlightened| of AmericaJ Wc shall advise rocipro it\ wUh aīl oouns -■■ .•«< .«m * . washed hv Pacific wate v >. ,v s - *-?■ W' v advooate all improYe-! « ; o :he Port of Honoluīu. . < : l .r n rtV/c.v.v :^nvrra^€u.

The en<„ouragernent of ouragriraltura) industries. The importation of valuable live stock. • The reduction of honorary salaries. | Increase of the pay of workin£ offlcials. ! No increase of taxes. | The right of single women, owning prop- | erty to vote. j We shali oppose the present ;Mmistvy. ; But we are loyal to the King. ! Lor?g may His Majestv rnle over His People.