Nuhou, Volume II, Number 26, 24 October 1873 — Mr. Byrom Adonis. [ARTICLE]

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Mr. Byrom Adonis.

;-Tuo goatiemar. mcntioned ah._»vc\ ī> cawti, , Laviiig aiTived per I) 4 C. Murray. We hiiYcha«i t!je plca.surc of and iind him thc y?irs L< yf lcr &ays, v * divestcd of all prejul^ees/ , ' and evidcntly v;cll <|uatificd to wield a Taciie pen and to give 4i aeeuratc ;md truthful aeeo«nts of the resourccs of the L"iands." v :V\ r e liope that this nioeLem Adonis wiil not be vietinuzed by any < ; f our Honolulu bores, but | ti:at lie 1 — liioi'e happy than hisaneicnt namesake, fc»hall spo?t safciy amid L\iei£c scas and l\>lyne- ' sian b-.»wei'S, and leiuin with . souud h-&Jiy a:id wel!-iiorcd mind t: -- t:.e fair Aphroclitē who nwait s hi> rcturn i:i ~~Columbian We bespeak l'ur Mr. Adoni> ;i weleome and mvi»ra;)le opportumtie* ihr observation durinu; his stay ! ;.here.. : i !