Nuhou, Volume II, Number 26, 24 ʻOkakopa 1873 — WE CLOSE [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Oui lv.( 11 v lume with thi>; i'iiimber, an"d \vc c lu s oui sue of t!ie SemUweokiy NuiiOu, As we announced at the b&ginning, we did not undertake the task of jourualism as a business. We have no need to b'oor, as though for a living, as \ve have (lone, We sought an opportunity for some expression df opinion ? and we were willing to pay for having our say. „ VVc have said it, and \ve are uot yet done; but we shall speak inore to simpier ears than we have spoken hfretofore. We are tired of talking to a commuiutj* incapable of foT'min.g and exerci>ing •» *i. enlightened pablic opinion, This mob'of''fofeigne'rs, we have herc. ire unt\tie;l for ah'y community o,f politicai aml \vill aeeepl from others, rathti>au ev oroisc themselves a governmcntal iailuenee ' !ircction. The people who real!y- and msi!y ho!i Uie polllieal pcwer of thc coantryVtro more deser?ijVg of āttenti<ni, Weshal! 'Wpeak to them the trMh as : we feei. ainl we -lial! not ilatter them } or curry firvov with any • ;mortaJ in this Archipelago. ītisworlh while to teU itie truth sometimes: and we mmk we "'ean 1:11 it.—that is political : truth t<* Hiiwai- ; ;ans We ecvote a weekly papei them in I 'ue 'uiuri\ but we shall reserve a space .or i i2\v words for our foreign frien«l.N ibr we j !nvc a [cnv, :ven in t:£s office rivbiea, īo:Kly~av? land : —a fc\v who appreciate ioe whrit we are worth in eoul,—oiu! for their >akes, as well as lor tho great cause.- of tryiug io help a decaying nalion. we will puMi'h o— paper, m Ēhirlish as well os Howaiian vu wdl say O • • ~~?rur say ia both languages, anJ if lifv holds r • we will try to make />ur voice reach to hea of Hawaii. j