Nuhou, Volume II, Number 26, 24 October 1873 — Population. [ARTICLE]

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i Thc liawaiian bocietj Las oeeaeion to rejoicc at thc bighlj gra\ystTT24-ruiuise of popuiatiori per D. C. Murray f an ib«aluabie CoDBignmeut of Sueh importations are what make a emilmg lai>J, an«J we wolu.l rejolce jto bc a happy consignee f What a delightful j interej?t and anxietj in awaiting tuch a eonsiguj inent. Xhe dutieB a,re ali readj to bo paid; and |oo othcr bilie of lading to attcnd ie hut dioso j tbat nrc laden yfith j £uch faii gpod«» ihouga far, »-Ab iliui vast §liorc washcd wuli ilke ruriues. • We weuia advonturo s'acu mcrvhai;a:s^ | Aml cast cur tender bcres acress ihe { And watch tbc wlnds an<i baiiiic« e^lai? j And hour]y |>ra> a fav*rī:ig skj to | Vark rich ladcn \vi:h «;ur frelght cf kvc

j 3r The J. W. SiQi\r arrived yesteruay and jx?ith it tbe long esj>eeted inail. !She briag cart !oads of and paport, acJ every body I ha? got eiiougb to rea j to last tl>e;u for the uest ■ month to eome. -—— ! Mr?ie this Afteksoo.n.—The Baiul wiil pUy ai j Emma Sonare, coīr.mei|c!ng at ii o'elook, lYdo\viug !is the programrae, t ei i:eluue u ? iAnre!: ! the Fquare : j Emma Squaro March ; j Opera u I>ro;LC .\abcj: A Talo el ilau>y l'īme, >v{ui t I Bī.\ok F!a.*o, V:i< :;cw, ! Bēlcctf«». O>>or;\ Orphcu>s OaeaUeli vi«icksters ( u Orienur\..* . Naiio j * * IKlUki " Kc

; Our Jenkh)? to know ? wlu; \\\u< tae differeneo Mweeu om Slicplie?:d aud iU iVl\ Ono of our reportcb \v!iose dutj u i$ :o \vateh the dailj eaid ; that the Shephenl vv,:< full oi uew!?» but ou bourd tlgp„V;.r* j . % Fulj ler of uew^ j Jeukius iN,\id* liix —thi\t was u't it. V: P - j;i Well because the J\fu? n:> aclipy<r £hii\and Ihe Shepher\l ie a *hipper elip.