Nuhou, Volume II, Number 26, 24 October 1873 — The Commissioner of France, [ARTICLE]

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The Commissioner of France,

|aL iiailieu, aceomp-|ioie<I hy the Caance]ljr jtlle Lcgaiion,M* Pefnet,*paid an oIHeial vlbit t j jRear Admiral Penupek on board t!ie U. j Saranai in the liarbop. Tiio Admiri\l paid mark~ jed liOiiOi' to tbe reprpsematives of tbe great na- * j tioB, by reeeiviog tbem wlth a guard in fuli unijform, aod bj & ful,] salvo of guos, —tbc oulj salute i-8 yet fiied ,bj thc £iag-$hip einee d:e -\v~ rived in port. i The Adrairal agsi6ted bj liiī staff aud by Captain de Krafl't, and tae ofneers of thc ship gave tbeir di6tiiiguished v]sitors a very eoiliai and flattering of vvhieb tbej al~ ways bear a very liappy reminigcence,