Nuhou, Volume II, Number 26, 24 October 1873 — Sins of Omission in Female Educatio. [ARTICLE]

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Sins of Omission in Female Educatio.

" Thc iuotherlv inbtiet of girls is tLeme I wliioā has been 'over-written bv iuoralists and : • i 2>oeti<. Ko doubt tlicre is sueh a principie in j ven girl8 f aae! timt it. often 6a-ves them | ~from the ruln to whio':. un ovii edueatiun wou!d ; , naturalij lead; but the moralists frequently ap- J | pCv r ir to forget that in numerous iustauces this in-1 stinet has been erubhcd by the ialse idcas whieh I have bcea fo6tcrc.d at 6ehool aud the eruel re-j i pression whieh has been emplojed at home. j | Now that we are alluding to the defeets iu female j :educatiun. it maj be well to state that some of ! the inoi'o serious of them ari>-e from sins of omisi «a ! sion. Perhaps it is uot going too far to say that !'in the vast majoritv of eascs thcre ie? au utter; | negleei to train aud develop this motherly in- j 1 etint, to t!irow light upon it, to build it up aud j : strengtheu it into a prineiple aud a eonviction | dearer than life, sacred as liouor. lt is the moth« j | erly iustiuet whieh makes good nurses raid in s : uiāoy eases good servant:v II is that thoughtful ; 5 aml aeQctionatc aneieipaliuu of a liousehold"s! I ■ ■ i ■ '"■■■■-.■■-■ ■ i . ueeus aud wants whieh, makes a home that j > heave-i on earth * we all have heard of but few . of us have louiul. I*l*ovision dietatcs provisioa> : The woiuan wlio is aee;istomed ehiuk forothers wdl beeome apl in drvisiu;j: praetical wavs for ■ their help and - 4i ft is on!y girls of e\Lvptionrdiy fme iiatures w!io eai; exereise the>e subtle and sweet solicitudes. it is only thc bright ex<.eptions who have what may he ealled gentus fv»r liome and who ' understand intuitively liow u make a househoid ejmfortable. \Vith otliers--cspeeially with those who lrive not had the go~>.| fortune to possess ex(eellent motheri— it musc bccomc a matter of 1 traitnugj an l t.hough a ut best, is a poor sub>titute for that fiuety % penetrative iuiiuenee ' whieh a happy aud l>vingl)i-ordered !io:ueex!uiles»

frtill !• i" r;i: best U=Stitute Wc hav.-, ;i::j • thcrefjV€ mt :-j bc T:ii- is *yjwe are baitlkv; foi% Pructical in-tructli 1 ] roest;e detiuK, 'Oid. nbove all. hi tLat a3ect:o:; ' -and cjnēcieritious ?pnit whie'i shoull | their performaco. ought to uīidertio all t'i.- | instruction at our 'female boarding sclī-; j.i .. eolleges. Ali othcr branches s!iould cry-t;. : " } aiuuiul thi» foeus, au.l, untii this is done It i- . vain to look for a iuuc:i purer or moie ca;,>- ; soeail condition than wp at present have.*" ; [Txie above ciipped from thc New York H. > i indieates to our inind t,he g«:eat aiid tbe f. - 1 need of Hawrii, to have iier girls taught t. 1 preeiate ūbove ail things tbe eharacter of a iū;t er. The motherly instinet is sadly igco:*r•this iand. There is hardly one* trt:e ali the llawaiian- i'aee.' Therc are woilh*:- w. have j ;oniC childrci:-. aii'l wiio harc L>ved ani ' liiem, but what one in, caring fov iier daugh*. has heen led to train ber to be a doinestl': happy mothor. There |vere mothers of I.: who miglit havc trained Ilawuiiau girls t: mother>, but they fcared tLe nainelcss t.-:: * of an assoeiation wiīh tlicm, and let the " eome wahinysand' caiid bearer- -=.:*■ • inothers.j j