Nuhou, Volume II, Number 25, 21 October 1873 — Fire Again. [ARTICLE]

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Fire Again.

Wc rcgret to menticn ar>cther eeialle £re. This tiroe tbe towo re«:denee ofMr. J. 11. Vfcod ob the Nnuanu Val!ej rcad. Tbe f:re :riglna:ei in a eook houi-e, sU abour II o'eleek, r. .m,, aud before ai>j ass:etacee eculd Le rcndered, tbe bou??e wa? a co3iplete wreck, We deep!j eympathize w:tb Mr. TTccd in h:s ]=%ss, whieh mnst baxe beeb n:cre viit:resāiiig bj having ao invalid meiEiber of bis familj :n the houee at the lime» wpo vre trn£: Las cct sufferc-U by tbe ehoek. i