Nuhou, Volume II, Number 25, 21 October 1873 — Arrival of the Flagship Saranae. [ARTICLE]

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Arrival of the Flagship Saranae.

This comrnunity whieh hae been huDgering and thiretiog for Dews. for 10, these matij dajB, | was delighted on Sunday iuormDg .{o eee a steam;er Bignali2ēd; and we know that manj were j especiaily gratified that the 6teamer was the | S. Flagehip Sara?iac, with Admiral on j board, who is most cordially "welcomed back to j Honolulu. We are happy also to weleome with i the Admiral several of the pleasantly remembered ! gentlemen of the Ca!ifornia, Captain de Kraft, ;and Messrs. Hoff, Amory, Tirrell, Majnard, and | others. We presume,—at any rate hope that this i fine ship will remain in port eome length of time, and that we ehali enjoy the presence of her gentlemen for a seafon to assist in relieving the tedium of thi? daH town. The Admiral has been busy harmoni2»ng difficulties among Indians in Alaeka, and indacing i rmcl rhi!?crJ« to ?:.noke the pipe of peaee j together. j The Flag-ship Ba?*anac ie a side wheelsieamer, 1.238 tnns. Her engineB are 1,200 horse-power (indicated) . Her battery ie eleven guns; and has a complement of officere and men all told of 234, The follo , wing is her lisfe of oScers; Rear Jdmirql~-H. M, Pennoek. . Lieut. Commander—V?. B« Hoff, £i€ttfenant—E. L, Amory, Staff. AdmiraVs Secr€taryS. StcKlder. OFFICERS OF SHIP, Captain—J. C. P. DeKraGt. Licut, Command€fs— H. C. Tavlcr 5 F. A. CcoK, S. L. Wilepn. LUutenants'-'L. E« Chencry. W. Maynard, T. C. Tirreil. Mōster—A i C. MeMeehan. CkiefEngim<>r—H, S. I)a¥ids. rdymast€r— A. J. Pritcharti, Surgeon—W. E. Tayior. Lieut. Marines—K. Wallaek. Pmt Asst. $urgeon~J. M. Fllnt. Engin<£er—3. F. Biiigham. 2n<2 Asst. Ēngin€crs~T. Cooli s J. O. A. Pord/ B<mtswain'~~Wm. Umning, Gw«cr~Wm, . * Saitmakcr>-*T. O, Fassett AdmiraPs €ierk~~E. E. Barbour, Paymaattr y $ C?ert—J.'W. Captain*s Cierk—C. E. Caney.' 3P Foßowing is thc prograuime of at the ll\'tei grounds by the llawaiiaii military Eand for Thurtday eveuin£ nest> commcncing at cight o'eloek ; r:4RT Hawnrar. Matōh .Bergar Overt\ire, Opcr;j, " BillandV\* .Hmel Thou art }?o N«ar aud >ct So Far Reichardt Eglatiuc Pelka M;uurka .Zikoff ri.RT IL BelccUen—Opera Pen Pa«q;\ulo Reaiexnbrauce oi llonie. j of KaiaeluuiKha 1 % »Berjgtr i Bluo V-olet<—'WaUi. ♦ Las: Thursviay t the j£iut>ie \vas ponea en .\ocount *uampaess of the evening bemg hijurious to t}io ; ins:rumcntB. It is ta be hoped w- %vill ī.av-; U)jr \w\uher nes: Thursday evening i