Nuhou, Volume II, Number 25, 21 October 1873 — Pity the Poor Old Horse. [ARTICLE]

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Pity the Poor Old Horse.

The Danburj man telle of a worthj brother who eame to Danburj to colleet mocej for a benovolent societj. He eame into town earlj and dro?e about till noon, and then hitched hie old horse in front of a while he ate his dinner and had a amoke. Then he juicped into bis dog-cart' and drove around till night ? and then went hoine dieappointed on account of the 6mallness of hie eolieelion. It is not known how the horse If we did know, perhap« we eliould discoV€r that he did not feel as bad as a boree weinow bf feels everj daj. Ihie pooi old Eoeinante, whose drooping nose touehing the ground ag he stahds makea him appear hke a fiTe-fboted ie also engaged in the work of collection, He jogs after fees without anj feed ibr bimeelf, and ihe drink : that cools tho welllined bellj of hiē boes doee not tricklc ? not a drop, in the vicinitj of his epare ribe. Oh! ferotber, teniler witli poor old Whitcj. He bas no wife or ehild to soothe hie old paunoh with poi or pork; and therefore do thou tuek in under thy seat a !>unch of graes lbr him to nibble at as tbou dunlaeet, and 1 ead him bj the wafov poole provided hj puMie boun:y . atid so thou prove the word< vi :lie go,d Ueok, Che ino:v;fi;l īilw, l< mercifu! v ;n:o hi> 1 >- v » •