Nuhou, Volume II, Number 25, 21 October 1873 — E HOOUNA MAI I NA "NU HOU!" [ARTICLE]

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T|a loaa mai ia makou he lehulehn wale o na ieta mai ko makou mau makamaka rnai e noi mal ana e hoouna aku ma ko lakou mau! lima i na.nupepa Nuhou Hawaii. He o!u--olu loa makou no keia leo kauōha a na kanaka Hawaii, oiai aohe no keia- nupepa no na haole, aka ? no lakou no no na kanaka Hawaii i makee maoli i ko lakou aina hanau, a hoomau' hoi i ko iakou noho aupuni kuokoa ana. Ua oluolu no makou e hoouna aku i<ia nupepa Nuhou Hawali, a hooko aku e like me ka makemake o ka poe e kauoha rfia4 nei< He hoike maikai ana keia no ko na kanaka makemake ole 3 na nupepa hoopilimeaaj mahope o na manaopakaha aina o na ame ka poe kalepa. Oka makou olelo paa loa keia mai kinohi mai, oia ka ae ole aku ika manao o na Kuhina. He poe lapuwale no lakou, a he ku ole hoi ka lakou hana i ka makemake o, ka lehulehu, Ina lakou e hoopaakiki ma ko lakou manao ia lakbu no ia ; aka, he hookae ino ia ko lakou hopena. ' ' ' Na makou e hoike moakaka lea aku i ke ano o ka lakou hooponopono aupuni ana maloko o ko kakou Nuhou Hawaii, e like me ko oukou noi mai i mau nupepa, pela no makou e hoooko aku ai, i oni paa loa ai ko kakou mau pon'o ma ko kakou aoao,

Feom tee Lepeb Settjle>īe.vt.—TLe folIow)Dg ex-! tracts from a letter of recent date received from Mr t ! Wm. P. Kaggda]e, at Kalawao, will be read with! : interest r : '?f.lam happy to iuform jou that- tbe lepers are weH taken care of The majoritj of tLe affi)ctoa hate better homes a«d more and better food than they were able to get at their own homee. ThjsT; know, for I am pretty well acquainted w3th the mode 1 of imng of the general run of the ]ower of! Hawaiians, and therefore T feel mjself co;»petent to ! judge. They (the lepere) all get good aiid wholeame food. The Ecard of I'eaHh has been Terjf eolicitou!? for the cpmforts of those in aflßiction, Their Agei K, W. Mjer v Eeq., ie a verj kind man indeed* and carries out to the Terv letter the good, humane* and kind intentions of the Board, J?o paine nor expec?e hae Bpare*l to give comfort to the poor Jēper. tam at pment engaged in lajing water pipee from the Kalawao (not Kalauao) gu!ch to the Leper Hospital—about miles—will fmifih this job np in about one week's time. This will be a very j great help to the poor leper?, (who have had heretoj fore to carry their water on their backs aml cn the j oacks of their animajg,) and asdst them in kecplng { elean their l»odieg t They have got pleutj of land to j cultivate, if the>- are incTmed that way; \erj fcw of them indeed have ehown anj desire for ::iahiai The tota! number of lepers at this settlement is T9T; fortjfive are school children; three foreignerj?* and scme five or sLs Ohinamen. There are fifty-seven who ure I cared for io the Hospital ward and ft\l by the eoek ; j twentj*nine live in the cottages on the Hospital i prcmises. The siek in the Hospital are looked afler iu the best iuauner; Utey have everything to eut that { the>- may have any wish fov. M r , Wm, Wi!liamsen j is therurveyor of ihe llospital 4 and he takes very j gocd care of the s;e* # far as I have becn able to see: an.l the e>anr;ness vf the pat:ents :s tihre eareiullv locked after thaij fvrmer <y. **? »• I •:

A true like a I- Lom Lv? Gentlemetl bo called } who are wcrclj obserTarj{ cf thc ctiquette cf 60cietj, may maDufaeturec! w [aDj quaDtitj; —but If greatrj« ten<3eroe-Fr I of eoul are laekiDg. form tbe cf tbe tTue gentleman, how ean they be £uppHed ? gjjjT Xhe paj»ers, report tbat tb* Saranac proeeedb to in eorjK-nucL:e of tbe rumors of the Klpgt 111 healih. llow roaD} sbips •will eome In of the d : egrn;-efjj ran?om of tbe citv. our Surjking Mirjīfter??— If anotber row perbape tbe 4t MĪDĪfctei at War,' ? will remove tbe Foreign Offiee to tbe Flag-ehip. | #