Nuhou, Volume II, Number 25, 21 October 1873 — Death. [ARTICLE]

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A FreDCbman named Clavie, propiletor of tbe! ' Halfway Houbc od tbe Nuuanu road, died l £iiddec]j od Sußday n3orcmg. He wae Seerctary' 01 the Hook & Ladder Oompanj. He was a genial and accom}li6bed man, and bad frießds in | ihm

Solodqod u there be three thmgs>fhicb' go wdl,~-A lion whieh isstroßge£t amoßghea£ts. A gfejbouDd, (v?bicb m the origina} ? x»eaßS nlso a l:orse or unieorh)—A he goat ako." 1 We should like to have our lion and umoumJ urd bi)ly g< : a v ! unessed together, oi]d eee how j well thej gc lbey are a raateh, Tbe cditor of the (u\Bhead was met on ThureTeQing ? oo the Waikiki road ? ridtog towards h\B p]antation, with a new hoe on his shon!der ;! \r>d he was asked if he had bought out the Nr-! V- Ae the tramp on fhc'road prevmted di!?- j :i*ie: hear;'ug. he repHed ; that lie did not wau? 1 v \ , *ie? his vlar.tation. On heiiii madc to ! . - i :-ie , i. £p..:ed Fiaward. in :he ' ''V ,f L ;nai. -a- ! i:): *k»\l -oua!!y. r.tu! v ;;!.] \ -■ ;■ . -