Nuhou, Volume II, Number 25, 21 October 1873 — When That News [ARTICLE]

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When That News

Oi our great army row and E2inisterial £asco "reac-hes the eoast of America. and is as the Daiīg ?&crinc Euikiin of -last Friday 6aid, u telegraphed to all the great cities of America, to the eapiiale ;f Europe, and to the rest of the wor!d beeides, ,, \ there will be a panie on the Bourse ar»d a decline 4' Hawaiian bonds. But let Europe and Ameiiea K :e quieted ; the poi 6upplj has not failed 5 and if one eet of our statesinen have 3 we ha?e still others whu are reaay if the people need them. to <acri£ce themselyes for 'thelr } —salarj. We ean imagine ? as that Bulktin imaginep, the announcement of the news in Europe. 44 Mutinj and disbanding of the grand armj of Mawaii i'' ■ •- 4 Attempted assassination of General Kauka !'' 4 *The National <snard etorinß tbe works of the Mutmeersl: Tbejarerepūlsed, The Minister at War throwe himself into the breeches—thathe had taken off!-' r Fraterni2,ation of mutineers wiih the townspeople V* Victory of the mutineers ? and ranscni oī the eitj ' "