Nuhou, Volume II, Number 25, 21 October 1873 — Preeminence, in Drunkenness. [ARTICLE]

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Preeminence, in Drunkenness.

Tbe Alla eays Boston Chicago a:& l teQding for preemlneQce in # irurikenEiees, Lal. report9 say that 11,000 men annuailj iu tL, former and 5,000 latter are taken u tl, JStatioa House in an intosicatel condition. Au.: this supenority Boeto:i maintalns, j e2Listence of a prohibitorj liquor hw." we want you ehaps of the Bostoa eelio. of thought, who talk t-j> us about the arroga- v. and kna?ery " of reeommending the niaaufact_i\ instead of the importation of ruia; and d:n'r want Hawaii to take a etep baekward," i: hush up. And we ein*ply say that Hawuii not take a etep baekward of Eeston in the xasUt. of drunkenness ; for elie is at the least tea drunkards behind her already in the cour?v 6f the jear. PerhapB if Boston sensiblj eaeouii aged the use of good wine an*l becr, there \voui: j notbeeo mueh drunkenne6s on Uer ii.: England rum. u But her onlj iiea , 1 regeneration or reforai) is tt? old Ilawaiun !of tabco; and taboo leads to seereej anl Lyj:_ riey, and to the . i f humau ajrpoLu and passien in worse Forms- than ever to!eratvon, Rurn is indeed a great evll e; nineteentf eenturj, but tabeo is tl:o teeet it. Sumptu;irj regulations alwajs :esJ.: » morc csimvaganoo. |Wc Cac ei' Boston ; anJ wo Joa*{ VTAut urrcgaiit cjuccL !: cd "knavc" to bc lc<tuilug usuaj moee oa tl;o ti.i of to!or.vting the couv<:tsioa of eouie cf tLc ducc of Hawaii iuto siaoc •• Now rura ' bought fullj oqc lialf ti:o shvcs iu. that wcrc brouglit t > dic t!iorcs of Amcric.\ It i? " " of the uiost cscasivc eu.i; - neter, t\nd the ihspiraticn of tbe uieane*; ei ,c knaverjj %% whea a reforuied culprlt llke tL virtuou? Mub>Mchusetti man ot thc Trho hns been madc rieti bj bls j\\st Bhve-eatehing and rum-maklng uule:takc;r L !eeture otier? on the sios of s?laverj anl aleelieli. tfisnufaeture, whose pursuit mav uew lutcrL:. trtth !:is ill gottcn eaiolumeat ! ' I •

!wr hatr tn orJot to get a Utt!c u gl\v t. a rot;giou> Svv!ety for l'.e fetUutc hca6aa