Nuhou, Volume II, Number 25, 21 October 1873 — "Good News from the Aretic,"-Bad News for the Esquimaux. [ARTICLE]

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"Good News from the Aretic,"-Bad News for the Esquimaux.

Sls thous.and barrels of \tnlvus oil means the destructiOQ of at least. two thousand walruses t or more likelj three thousaod, aud eaough to feed, five or 6is thousand Esqulnmus thls winter. j Thej will be truly hard up thb winter io thejr| icy homes !or the want of walrus. The Esqui- ■ 1 maus pappdoj?e wll! be erjlug aud inoanmg[br ! ; soaictbing' to eat, anJ the Esqulmaux father will, | return to his enow hut, wOlll7 and btoken licart-' ed, —with nothing in hb hand for lils little ones.! Ile had'paddled all day acjuud the icebergs, or wandtred over the iee io quest of his woutj ed eubsii?teuee ; but the big with pleatj of j acMve meu aiul guu;? atid in?:ruments t had been thero before hiiu, and tnd left only tlie ekeletocs [of his natuval herds, Perhaps they eame for 'eome need of thth famiiies« Oh! no; they eame by ordev of the prosperou;? people in New ' Bedford and el?ewl;eve, —oT people w*l:o have comfbrtable wliō ride iu whe arc members of a church, who eU wUh breadel'oih eonsequenee in a promiueut pew, wLo give by 6ubscription to Uie poor» who have a bank aeeouut, and w!iosc eins are all eovered up with gold : the6C ar<i they v?tio teikc t!ie fjod out of the nv>uth oT the Esquimaus. But who shall eompluu wLuu-t i'eh owuers The - --v;v:

food of one sbrviug fami!y ',f v : ' pay for a plano, That whieh w-juld ht-p tLe of a trai!ing pappo .»se of the Frozen Zone ' ; help to furnlsli a C jn'tribuilon towards ■ izlng some tropical man who has nj neei t_* pvide clther pantj or pijovender. The Foji cf tL . Arctie girls will help eome fiir christian glrl i go to Parie, and t!ioa when she is admired fj: !;•; gracc and leauty, and the elegance of her will she or any one else th*mk that Ler , outSt and means of dqcoration eame fron :he ...» floes of a bitter land, and that p»r &userĪ2g br litt!e ones, huddled in their huts, h >ve dled r ' starvation, that she may' sing like a serajh, azd swim in g!ory? She, njpy not know ihi*, ane those who may will no|t heed. But the Everlas: "ing Justice will heed< The wail of su2e:ia 0 ! humanity wlll not b| forever hushed amii t ! i : | &torms of a howling hnd. The groans of umiiL 'wg Esquimaus will up unto the preseace v" the everlasting Father, and accuse ehip ewnenwho are 6iirrounded wkh bounty, and who the homes of the needy to gratify thelr speeulativ. !greed; and walrus o*4 shall heeome a curse t those who without nee|d deprive their fell:w of the:r natural acd only means of subsbten::-