Nuhou, Volume II, Number 25, 21 October 1873 — FOREIGN NEWS [ARTICLE]

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''l3rougiit by elie $jranāc ts not eomplele eiuee tlic last d:ites rcceiveJ. We have the bulk of our csehan£es and news oa board the J. W. Seaver, O ■ wbicb sailcd from on th<? 2Gth aud ls now out 24 days. The United State6 has uDdcrgoue fiuaneial panie. The lāiluie of the great Grm of Jay \ Cook <jC Co., has dragged dowu 6ucii great finaueial uamcs as Jacob Little & Co.,' Grimmell & Co M ē. llaight & Co., Ketehum & Belknap ? and about forty other wealthy bankers aud brokers in "New ¥ork, and large Dumber9 in *Bosto.n, Albany aM other clties. Coiumodorej Vanderbilt proSfcred a loan of tea millloua inj coryuuetion with a loan of fbrty milliona by the gOYernment to relieve busmess. ButPres. Grant wou!d not eaneiion the eo-operatioo of the United Statec Treasury in thie matter. President Grant| and es-PresAdent Andrew Johnsoo both leseheavily by the {ai!ure of the First Naiional Bauk, Mr. Johnson, wh> loBCB $00,000, will ho left almost penn by the cvent. CaptaiD Daddin|too and hia party from the ■ ?olariB csp£dition were reBcued hy the British Nwhaleship Ravemcraig, But they werc ehiefly c aved during a terrible wipter in the icy Aretic by the help of tho futoished them ; with warm for cl<>thiug, aml wlu> eured them of scurvy by giving them Witlrus liver oil But: if the whalers had been a? busy in t!u\t jx\rt of ihe Arctie as our ūkc% hae been in destroy\o£ the wairus, those poor E6quimaus eouki not have re lioved the PolarL* cast-aways, anll £cobably wou!d have peri6hed tliem^elveB. liosooc Conkhng is appomted Chief Justiee. A vcry poor appo ntiih n t wlen we think of Taney and Chase,; The oew3 of our lirmy : emeute had ootf ivao!u\i t.he Btatcc, Wheo it we espect t > h«Mr of

another panie or —owln;; to cscci=ive laugiiter. ;Afimiral Wioelow is dead. Great Britain has no notable movetaent beyond layiE|g more cables, stili bctter and cheaper, and buil4ing the most wonderful steamships ; the Incanslant 9 that is to make 18 knots au hour, and still $nother oae that will do better thac tbat. France is bappj aftcr great gricfs. She hae paid oS* hor t!iousand miilion? to thc last ccntimc, ane! the last hulan has left her s;«i!. As the Union sajs, " France is a great nation. No modern State has enjojed so manj feasto oigiorj. We read the achievements of her great men with ever increaBing But her latest es-. i ploit in paying a. debt of $1,000,000,000 in the short space of two jears, aud of exhibiting an ability to pay eight times as mueh, csceeds all i the glory of hcr precedlog historj, and establishes : her right to rank as onc*of tlic fore:nost aatlons [ of the«arth. M Xfae monarchists, whieh include the are Cv * (Jonfideatly expecting the eathronemeat of Ilenry the Fiftb as King of Francc. Perhaps the new : monarch may be Napoleon IV. In either case,i the Church of Rome expects to win a triumph. j Germany offers no salient point of news, ] beyond the v.isit of Victor Emmanuol at Berlin. j If llenry V. is King of France, then KiDg Victor muBt fight for his capital at Rome, and he wants to talk with the great Kaiser about it. Spain in her distractions is glad to permit the British Admirat Yelserton to capture her frigates in the hands of insurgents at AUcante. Moxico is not cured of her revolutiouary itch. It ha« broken out again at Ooaahuila. Japaa is going to revise her treaties 'with Western Powers, and Judge Bmgham as the representati?e of the great £astern Power, wui look well after Amenean intere?tij and might give a helpin» hand Hawaiian interests if there was anybody i» power bere capableof intercst:ngand prompting diplomaey at Jeddo. Gaptaiu Jack, Sconchia, ael three*Qther Modoc chiefB have been hung. '