Nuhou, Volume II, Number 25, 21 October 1873 — THE WATER SOURCES [ARTICLE]

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Ol thi3 city raus.t be guarded \vith a view no£ only to their preservation but their increase of supply. There is a lease of land, at the head of Nuuanu valley, whieh rnust be extinguished for a fair consideration; the cattle on the land removed ; and every efTort be made by fencing and othervvise, to cause thc ancient forest, or a better one to return, m order to preserve the moisture that sup;plies the Nuuanu springs. The Goveniment must spend some of the earnings from the_ Water Works in the past years, in increasing their efficiency. The overnment must not regard such worbs ■ with thē eye of a parsimonious proprietor. They arc maintained for the puhlie good, and musc be enlarged and increased in value to the city at considerable sacrifice if required. But none is needed; it is only necessary to expend a little of the. proSt on past water supply, in order to increase our future water supply. We hope that not ōnly insurance agents who meet to-dāy to discuss thesubject; but that every property holder, and every one interested in the welfare of this town and port will arouse themselves and the Ministers in respect to the importance at-fhis. time of guarding our water sources.