Nuhou, Volume II, Number 24, 17 October 1873 — Saipa [ARTICLE]

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iOr &jeepa, the Malaj ladj wLoa 1 pomaū ap- , f>cared m our fieeedijig uuaiber it a real persoiijagc. of a verj īnteresu.Q£ and nohle charaeter, | and we po£ose to \Trite £ome parueuiars of lier j bietorj in the Ha\vayan lacguage iVr ue emeiitainmei)t of our Ilpaiian ieaders. We are I inspired to trj to theiu> tecause tāej are not eo turfcited \vi± kuowkdgc, to blasc, aihl so coDtent Trith thc spirit of nil admirnu as oui foreign friends. Ihe Uawaiiaa has cnlj a lev\ tparkles ircm tjlic hubblutg fouut ot tbc rieriau aud will quaff vvitb biiarwui gusto, the goblete of claB6ie aod eatteru loie, that we wffl offer to him aud that our soul hai drawn from tbe deep wells oi humuu Wc turn our face tp our bwwu Woihei* aad 6ietcre to trj to giv< tbeiu a hoj?e of Ufe ia thi< worW tbeir raee hus not bad, and to iusririt «o®m to saw tbcir raee and aaiae while tl:e sbade of deeay ie brooding o"er tbeir land.

I , - — i " " - I Toiid. , corrc6pocdcut sajs aj Aodrow Johusoa bclievc6 rciigk>u% he will bc tbc cost Ptteīdcut of Uw Vaitol St«ktf; nuJ thftt thc |coplc orc aeuuūiui: a.tTwe api*rectatlon cfj his char»ctcr.