Nuhou, Volume II, Number 24, 17 October 1873 — A HEART'S TRIALS [ARTICLE]

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j The wor<is fce epoke, sycrc bticj aiid i Wtat ccrdid he shc did nei knew: What pu!sc of tbat swe6i, tender j Bul owoed her eialm, eerene coi:trol! 1 ueed for him lo test her be&rt ■ . With lepee el veibal ari: ! Cnly to asli, and wait her will, ! And —ios:2g,— !ovc fcer rerhaj>s shc waTcred,—zy, perhaps The sbadows of the cloud that wraps Thc future froiQ our tionicg ga2.-: het m some of ai'iei āsjs ; £ome hipt 01 mightpo9sess his true spirit r s tecderiiess } If but her weaker llfe might tEscve # Uuto ihe music pf his love. But tbere is a]waye a Toice bet\veei Aud croakiog lies from lij>s unsetc > Aod Uie tftider truth oi manjr a soui !s smirchcd with mire like a illth> gk>ul. And hope» of peaee, and a better iifAre blowa to the winds bj the bitter sthie Of hate, or greed ? or spite that tries | your hope with poificcous iies.