Nuhou, Volume II, Number 24, 17 October 1873 — Our Market [ARTICLE]
Our Market
ls progreeēiDg. Tbere is eome lumber in the lot, and kanakae are at work, acd \?e will have by acd by eome few ehede for our lettuce andomone, and ducks and ehiekeni?, It ie not a big £tart ? but kt ue ,be tkankful for emall markete, and ■iH)rgeī' proportion. Asd we etill hope and the day, when our preaent headquartere of diplomacy ehall give plaee to ducks, "when ihe ca*h bos ehall beeome a earrot staad, and when the Interior Department ehall be redolent of coßtermongery. When that happv day eomee,—-then we will promenade every morning between Fort etreet and Gardcn lane, a!ong with tbe beauty and bray-vcry of thc town. Wc will patroni2e the Chincse flori6ts by buying a boquet for our button hole, acd we will inveet in hard cabbagc hcade, as we think of the eofs onee that onee fiouriehed on these government grouuds now known as tbe Nuhou Market.
j Mrsic.—Tbc Bvind p]aj in Emma Squarc ! to-morrow a{Tternoon atl:alf-pa?: 4 (not 5) o'eloek. [ Follo , wiDg ie thc prograuimc : ;Ea Mei Lupalilo March Bcrgcr OTertarc—Opcra lialiau ia Afciore.,.. * Hoesini Whea thc Swaliows Fij\ Prttty Birde—-TTa!t£ .Ccete Cavatma—o|>cra II LombarJi Verdi Quick §tej\ (uew). Weston \\ i m v li £taled in a rcsj>cctablc journal, that an old rat ovcr 70 jcars of \vas caught in a fiui' at u Youn£ Lidics* Scajinarj. We scc no oooaHon to wonucr at tjhL% as o!d rat£ lotc chc£*c t as xvcil jouug. rat?., Xhc kind of tn\p ie not $tntcd Fcrbai's i; 4 ? «aue kind cf (ōCf!?.) j