Nuhou, Volume II, Number 24, 17 ʻOkakopa 1873 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
At *.he close of this quarter we shall diseonimue the Semi-Week3y Nuhoe , but eontinue the Nuholj as an eig-ht-page weekly, cbiefiy devoted to the Hawaiian language, and it wiil be known as the Nuhoū Hawau. The termswill be only One Dollak for six raonths, ca,sh in; advance. As we will distfibute at least one thousand copies of our *" ■ j weekly ' throughout the islands, it a gocd medium for a certain class of advertisemerits. Our En'glish articles will be chief!y essays on tfee interests. of the islands, ■ »i:h criticisms. i
A Tupbßj who wbilēt leaning agaiD6t u !amp poet, relieved liie £tomach of a loa3, epoke thus, as he wiih a maudlio eje at the {; ]oad, +r was vifited hj & llttle dog. a Well, how % B tbis ?—I ktsow where I ent them heane, —and thafc * K ?tvrand āll this ewipet? and * jankerf— * vi: f'm hangevl, if 1 ean tell*—:Wheye I ate thc\4 i'* f > yrJler vlog % * \ :