Nuhou, Volume II, Number 24, 17 ʻOkakopa 1873 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
GeDeral Gra»t*B orgaD, the WaebiDgtoD pu&Uean, comcß out )D favor of paying Mre, CeD* cral Lee for ArlicgtoD. Bißxnarck thiDke tbat Spaio aeel Ita]j wllh Id leea th&D jĒft-eeD jears, be eaieo up bj otbei powers or loee tbeir ideDtity. How do jou" )ike my moustaebe, Miee? Qb> very aaueh, it looks like tbe fur od tbe back c>f a .caterpillar. A gnehiDg vriterj epeaking of a certaiD falr $reatuTe, remarked tbat £S tbe profueion &Dd co!or of ber bair wouW lead ODe to look upoD it las tbougb it was epuo by tbe nimble fiDgere ef I tbe eaey boure, ae tbej glided tbrougb tbe brigbt | Jumt daye 5 whoee maDj suddj raye of ligbt bad I beeo caugbt io tbe meebee } and were eontented to |go do furtfcer/* Tbie ie better tban eajing tbe . girl'e bair wae red Tbe WasbiDgton €hronick of the 30tb ult., states sorpewbat lmplicitlv tbat the result of the Hodcc bas not jet ofßcially reacbed tbe AdjutaDt Generars oSsce, but aavices ha?e been aad that from an of£cer of Ihe wbicb a full acd detailed foresbadowiiig is given of the fate of tbe Modoc murdereie. I Tbey are to be ebot one and all. Tbere ig no ! mlsta"ke abont thls. Tbe papers have jet to go to tbe Secretary of War aDd the Preßident for his aelion iu tbe premiseß, General Jeff. C. Davis earnest]y hopeē tbat= tbe approyal of the Execu Will āupplemenl the ūnāīngs of the Court ; and the Btatement is made tbat the whole Paci£c eoaei wiU be Idirected to tbe action taken by tbe Fres!dent in tbe matter. Don Carlos eeems to be proeecutiag bis wai againet tbe repnblic bn old Jesuitical maxim that Ji the end juetiSee tbe means. r% Since he croesed the irontier of Epaia, hie advance has bēon marked bj unneual crueltj to prisoners qf war ? if we maj truet correspGiidents and cablegrams, A correepondent at Madrid writes that the republlcan troope at Cirangin surrendered to the Carliste on condition that their lives ebould be spared. lii violation of tbeee terme the Carlists ebot a number of them after thej had delivered up their arms, This ferocit| k bound to work outits une:ting rt ; every €ivilked people will abhor a canse whieh hae to resort to unjuetiGable cruel: v to*eustain itself.