Nuhou, Volume II, Number 24, 17 October 1873 — Destruction by Fire of the Residence of the Governess of Hawaii. [ARTICLE]

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Destruction by Fire of the Residence of the Governess of Hawaii.

The tcdium"of this dull towu, was rc]ieved a lifetle od laet Wedaesday night bv a rousiDg fire. About one quarter to eight o'eloek, tbe uwellere I on Emiaa Btreet, aod in the immediate neighborhood, were suddenly aroused by the ehouta and| eries of kanakaa, the $creamB of wahinee,andthe; barking of <Jog3; and were firefe led to euppose that a big fight waB on hand,—tbat perbaps the poiiee had mutinied and tbe tifles were calied out; bufc a8 eaeh anxioua ,individual peered iato the street f they soon discovered by tbe eolumn of! flame that was leaping up into the dark eky, that : a confiagration was on baod, and farther observa- 1 tion ahowed tbat it was takiog piaee at the town manaion of Iler ExceUeney, K« Keelīkolani, the Governess of llawaii, The fire evidently had a good etart, and aseoon | as diseovered, was beyond the eontrol of blankets; or buckets of water; but not beyond the eontrol of a good bead of water from a Greplug, if epout- ; ing on it there and theni- But the hydrant Fjr j public eatety was not ready till the roaring de-' vourer was tieking the roof tree of Kuth, And when it waa ready, the queneluQg 6tream «?erved oaiy to raīse an impotent tiz2le of eleam, And ob! had thc wind been up, and this fire had been in tbe elose built part of the town, tuea would have bad a dance of destruction ( taat would bave been cqual to the coet of forty voirsBut we must not eomplain, as the Jlinistew were out to seo tbe Ilre buru 4 and leud a hand if aeeded. Emma street w&a Uvcly with the jost-. of &linfctere milkmen, diplomats aud, 4eaoons, judgo6 and jewa t *and cditorī3 aud elderly! lA*lies. Everybody turned out» —even some of tiio turne<l. out. These were In the ( midot of tbe regular Wedueēday evcnio£ eer\iee 4 1 whea the uproar began, One yaetoc a£Teeted by! the ouUide outery, m\ the evideut au&icty of liia" peoplo, kt sun§ it *bort," aad he aiid hh: £toelk! joined the throng in the 6tieet* to «scl % the gight;! but another oue, wliiie bi> faithful # al-! though he aw them out oae by one» uutil; he left with ouly t\vo lUlea, yet he stoed| firm like th: Koman 6eatin|! at l'empeli, while the sparks of eonfJ ?gritl|i] wete faUlo£ io his' *"% , ī -i - *

and gave (he two witne»:sr the full beneGt withodt la!aV>revht■ >n r ■ good orthodos eennoo. | The cau?e of the h unknown. L:j.t as ; 1 has been on hmd late'lv. a £eree liti£at- *n a l- -: / i \ - 1 this and other propertj } tīie eueum^ano- ■ oceasion for a good dea! of su€picioc Mueh th-* 4 'was curious and valuab!e »a rdatl-;a i* ane!e-: f ! Hawaiian habit? and co?turue."- unf,-tlun:ifv-2 ! deetroye<i. There waa some of the famed feat.V*' }work s worn by the old chlefe. taany '.T : v< I feather insignia of olEee, the great of TJ * waiian pageanta : £heH and bair orDament~. tarr and fine tnatS; and eome roy:u bones—a!l of wī:'" 1 ! were a cons!dcraWe ldss. cscepting the bones. S Tho residence as a £roperty> wil! not bo eu.~! of a loss to the wealtlly Governess of Hawai: V the trades had been b'lowing fre?!u sover.u Loui"'? ■ - i makai of thls buildin^ t wouM !;ave g':ne with but as it wae dead enlm, and a light showo: u*/ ! fallen a fc-w minutes |before the Cre broke out. !was ea?T to defend' the rccfs of neigV:-or:C-. | m [ B w houses. " ! On accouat oT the absence of a ma;!, we r j this long ref>ort of an ordinary Gte.