Nuhou, Volume II, Number 24, 17 October 1873 — Don't Know Where to put Them. [ARTICLE]
Don't Know Where to put Them.
IhiU is tnc poiieemea, The (Joverumt2nt ia uī l off, as thc •• al4 womau who iived in a siioc, ae.i hād £o niicj childrcū, sho dido't keow wiii£ i do." \Vc Uave ooe polieeman, for al>out 175 laabitaut6, wliieū is ai) cscess oi' polieo force, e.. knowa aajwucre elitj ia Ciitiiccndom; aud t.u. - ia a coaimuQitj wherq perhaps therc is ieso uee of tlic u*tuiou.6 of Uie iaw, tiiau aay wheie Yqu 6cc a polieemaa, and £otnetimcs two ctery coraer around town. Wiiea we dūcua S cJ tbe ecoaomj of diabaadiog thc arxaj, we did i ptopo&o that jou should coavort aiaoiSt ereiy īe. dier iato a poiieemaa, U wiU bo dificuit to the ecoaomy of eueli aa arraagemeat. Buc u. doubt it was not that proapted tuc listmeat of eueii a iarge aumbcr of axutiaous i»'. dierB into the oew eenieo; but it was tuc īau. Bunktng epīrīt that iaspired humlle coaccssLa th&if humiliatiDg demaaii. Xic mea who e. joyed mutiny aad loot ad lil\tuai, Lad to pt. vided with berths to keep theai s>mc« we hate got them, lct us mako .; usa of tbcm aad destribute them morc cvec v arouud. There ought to be two statioaed . «aeh 6ide of the eatry to thc pul'lie treasurj Kaahuoiaau etrvet. Oae at tho eutrj| to tue v eruoieat priuting offiee; aad we thiak tla; t... Attoraey Ueaenl ts entitled tj oae asaa hcaora;j guatd, on aeeount of distiaguishcd serviccs ing Uw Ute war of the "fross aad the uie:, and heeauue he is oee,of th« chicf authojs o: to. iacteasc oi polieeineo
3T Make a friead aafity, auiycu wui prisei to £ud wl;at a ra*cal ycu arc. ewa a i-..--i: [;?