Nuhou, Volume II, Number 24, 17 October 1873 — The Queen of Holland. [ARTICLE]

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The Queen of Holland.

Ia luokīng ovcralate paper,.wc fiod thc iollowiag particulars, about a ladj whoai we mct oa two or thrcc occasiops, wheu we resided at the Amerkau Legatiou at tue Hague ia 1831. " 'lhe Queeaof lloUandiiTCS unhappiiy with her huaband, or, more corcectly, she haa Uved eo unhappily that shc has ceascd to Utc with hiui at all. She makes her home m the little llouso ia the \Vood, (the Saile d'Orange in the Bois de la Ua>e,) iu thc 6uburbs of the llague, a mile or two £rom the more csteusive but less tasteful palaeo of the King. Uer residenee is aot large, but itis overdowing with Japauesc and Chiacse eunositios, aad hae a cosiucss not touad ia tl:c splcadid drearincts! whieh is chai*pteristio of xaost royal a"oodes. lu one of the patlors haag portraiti< ol" hcr sot>, tī;e Prinee of Oraage, aad cf Joha L. Motlcy. hte Amcriean Jliaister to Loudoa, ao l thc histomt} of the Dutch Republie.

Mr. MotL.j dn I the |Queen ar'.- warai friends, henee the promineat po«ition givca Ij n'picture. It represcoto hlm as wearing a veivet c«jat, and Lis cri?st is painte<i in une «_T t upper eomeiō of tho canvas. The Queea a wh is a Princess of Wurtemborg, 15 o4 jears e-li, ■ has decidod literarj Uele We do not know she has made personal ventureē in autuorshi, . iike Kīng' *JoLa of Sasonjj but she appreciatea good books "and their writer-, Sl-.-has reccntlj been visiting England, aod hshow> thac her love of letters is not an aSectei sion bj associatlng alrpost evciu=ivelj wUupeo^*: of talent and intellectuai acquirements. At I\-' accounts she was on hpr waj to Scotland, to at thc house of Sir M. Sterling, auth.»: r 'lhe Cloister Life of,Charles V./ and a m ,: .n «. f verj extensive rcading and decided taient." During our staj at |the llague, the joungKx„ of Fortugal, Dom pedro, arrived with avowed object to enjoj a little tour of travel, Lu; in realitj to see in person thc joung Prin'.Vfrs •.»: Holiand, da.ughter of this Queen, whom he wlsl.-<j to mar?j. His Majestj wasaccein£ . nied bj a confidcntia! counseiior, the Couut L Carrera. The joung nionarch, did not fiud ;* brido at thc Hague, ,and we were to!d oj iii Count, that Her Majestj of Hoiiana, dreadel ij\ her daughter the obscure life of the Court . Lisbon. This joung King was ambitious to r . store the enterprise and prestige of 145 countij in the East Xndies; and Jhoped to unito his trj*e hopes with Dutch weaith and maritimc >.v. terprito; but the prudent Quecn wouid n-jt ol courage his marital |iopes; and not long auewards, when he had , niarried a Princess of li; henzoilern, death destrojed the hopee of his eoui. trj in tbis amiahle and culti?ated joung