Nuhou, Volume II, Number 23, 14 October 1873 — No Public Opinion [ARTICLE]

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No Public Opinion

la thib wūljUj, that }jab ar>j valut or t. i&ilaciiCu for tlj€ jjubli<: vve]iart'- r>ūiea>\xciīicy 6astaißC-d |bv ravoritieiii I ru!e J couDtrj. Xhe j«ortlon ol* tbe e^ironijU\ is lnca]:ablc e/ uniting upon ar.y nueeli-n > Lcva i> • It is made up of ī?o n}any hetcrC'£erieoub oleioeii'aud hasr no eentjroC'Ct! of vittaeljiiiont tt» ihh c-jun-trj a* a liiiue. Tl--c pativ*. pvrlīon, ovviog lo noran«;c aiu.l lt- tredltionHrj t ! „ caiefisrD, bae riever atteuaptc-<i to viert en If-Gat r. v_ upon pullk questloL*, but we |ropjst to i.roixp--a little tbe p^oli &enilmcr.: of īlawaiian*, f. tfcat tLey may :o CL:c:;a*L an lL:elilgeL: appreciation and assertio:j \f a united pu'-'lō opinion. !