Nuhou, Volume II, Number 23, 14 October 1873 — Good News from the Arctic. [ARTICLE]

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Good News from the Arctic.

Aithough our paper is nofc designed to ghe ief.jxiß of shippmg acd eonimercia] newe, jot as cMr}hudy bere is interested in the eaeeeee of tbe h,o\c whalers, \ve take plea6ure ki publißliiDg a Qt of ehips and their catches up to Augmt 12th. The ieport wae brought here by the schooDer GiovGnni Apiani, whieh brings to her oWDer 5 *!r. Charles Long, a fine eateh of oil and fure, 1"0 barxele whale, 7,G00 poundB bone 3 5,000 » uGuif iTory, and three eaeks of fure, We have : J .ank Captain Babeock fbr a eopy of the foI--1 l}et"under date of August 12tii ]aet ( froiā lVptain _L. C. Owen, of th% 3ireh Perry: \ Spm. Wh. Walrus. B one, \( :ive. . ... 100 300 1,500 Arcrs Baracs..... ... 50 250 1,200 Arctie ............ 100 150 1,500 •\ iaska ... 200 ... 1,500 ■Ear Gosnold 150 ... • . 300 .... Camj!1a*.......... ... 175 W 300 - 2,000; *'aropa ........... ... 400 400 8,000 tle]eD Mar......., ... 275 100 4.000 T!!iDois ........... .'.f 200 350 2,000' .'nme* A110n....... ... 270 180 2.000; Java ............. ... ... 100 : J iren Porry.l€7 135 100 1,600; osephine..., ... 250 100 £.000 Maxwell. ■ . .. .. . 400- .... ?,cu<sa ... 825 ... 8.000 v1areng0.......... 260 200 450 2,000 VJidaB ... 350 200 7 S OOO :t Wol}aston ... ... 100 .... \crthern Ligbt.... t ... ... 400 .... ' *Dward .......... 1 ... 400 ...,j Propress ... 800 200 14.000! K W Wood ... 250 250 6,0001 ... 300 ... .... I ei ... 200 250 3.000! r:!cn .!.... ... 150 100 .... I W::;]u5.......... ... 225 100 .... 1 .va 2(i ....... ... ... 100 .... ■ I: seems an open £eason, in iaet- too mueh eo 1 1 avc been to longitude 151 ° to the east of i\.n: Earrow, and havē no doubt but a eteamer ..;Jd have gone to Mackenzie River,and 1 don*t ]-• jw but elear around the northwegt passage. *» rj*u]ing just at this time. looks. unfavorab]e for 1 e.uehe* this season. i4 C, : Owe.x; lunk J Perri//' 'i r;c harum searum newaman got out ā Sourisli ■ oi' iLiisinformation yesterday moming s reporting U e catch of walrue ia plaee of whale, and viee verse: Ile reports tlie Nautilus and Onward bc :h wrong, and does not give to thc Progress more bone than he and his ring I«tve of haekhone. We think that the gallant Jim Dow» •'.n With his 14,000 pounds bone wourd make emall ..bones of thie harum searum , neweman. 'ēßtle reader, an estra was got out jeBterday raorning by this neweman to forestall the Nunōu, aßd you eee what a mesg he has made of it; but what could you espect of a newemanwlio ie all ? lltirge and no judgment.