Nuhou, Volume II, Number 23, 14 October 1873 — People. [ARTICLE]
! We ta!k oF but :t .' people we most neo-l. Oursupplv of tais 1 materinl of a countrv !ra< been drjing up Ilke . . water i?upp!v, owīng In s>me measarc t j F;>rei^ but not by anv ineau? s j T / foreign animaU are destrevia£ ihe r:re?:, a:i Ll. m ing up tlie aoureeiS oF water $upplv, but \\\: aot say, that foreiga as;i}elatioa b Jrjia,j u c - i.. ► soureo of Ilawuiuui qatioyal ufe % except :s: theMmpositiomof uawlie reguktiou> aud rcj;:\: tion> in some and the aboUtua eient restraimug inAuenee* iu otUer . e had an injutioi:? eseet upea ihe raee. Wj 4;. satisfied t!uit t!ie in9[ueueei tlrat a£Fec; tab ru>\\ »■- 1 1 ! ana eause u to waste awvs t ar;se fioui iīoU;., 1 And a< iu regaid Ce vi^, s « ulatiou. 11 Le uial iacun>lue es: ; la dep,»pu!atiou vieut mala, |ai u;i • ..v interieuv et uu uxauvab g,)Yeruuieat. % ' l'Ue a, uiost iucurab!e cvll (of, a Cs?uutrj) U wl:ca a.popu!ation springs frc;n| reuiote oauses % rrca lemM disease, and bad goveruuieut. Thls beBaid trulj of Hawaii; but though the ev'l *V a!most meurable \t not who% aui a UHI faithful Phy*ieian uiight heal thb 'uuil, aa : its deeas\ * But he yrould the powe; to uhjs»ic the a? VcU jui thc , mai hb temedtes wouli be l)ut pe^e