Nuhou, Volume II, Number 23, 14 October 1873 — Cheaper Abroad [ARTICLE]

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Cheaper Abroad

; Thau at hoine, mny be *aid of our bug_Lr, a- w:\ a8 of produce almost erorjwii'jre. Tbe spirit of the producer cauees him t > put a high estimate upon hie product tLat he sell it afe home, atid he scnds it abroad ani less than the price at his door. whea in Uenessee Coubty of Xew York that butter was deaier theie than m tli- eltj Diamonds ean be bought on better terms in than in Brazil or Borneo. Furs are o*n more ia Sitka than in San FranelsCo. Ani " r * like manner our eugar i>« eomeUme* c!:enr-: the latter city than 'm Honolulu. Our plaa:-;« or their agente are ofteiitimcs Hke a kanakn w* : demands for a pig or a lot of fowh on M;\ul : ilawaii ali that the? are worth la towa , ini he will take them to tae big market aa.! gri the home pnee less the loss of bis ■>?.: eharges. Any kind of a decent prlee at hme *> better than to trv the chances abroad. You li %• better seli for four eents at home thaa to try 1 - get perhaps double that amount, aad waLc months for the mone>% When it corue«* t . - most iikely sweated dowa to tlian loue Be6ides, anxiety, long walting, aal not liow youraccount stands make?you gro w gray i'i >: ethan you would be otherwise. Sell .u h}i\: Seilat h6me!—whenever you uave a ehaa.'e