Nuhou, Volume II, Number 23, 14 October 1873 — Our Nationa Museum [ARTICLE]

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Our Nationa Museum

Who has charge of it? | In tue A<h'er!i>:-! we l. tice that a eurious woo<3eri idol anl : were found at Kalihi in digglng wuT-r: .1 - J one of the officer? of, the -1 theso curios!tie j ?." ! But we have an approprli*'. ofs3oo for a museum, anl t:ii= i-uin j:-a!trjf ' is, (a !ittle over one pMieeman*s pay) oug!it t. be emp3oyed fir a« It will go ; ani he:e w.ian occa«icn. But w!io'cares fjr the precervi fc l .. of any relics of the a.ncient life of tlie HawaiL'/: race? Who has carc.ll ia the past t j anvthing wouH be of interest to liist j:un antiquarian ; and who eares now to prei?rv reliic3 of this interesting Polyne&iac pe-»ple 7 N--body who bas anv power to do anything . a:J tho?e who would do bave no pow.-:.